An Ever-Advancing Life But the path of the just is as the shining - TopicsExpress


An Ever-Advancing Life But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day (Proverbs 4:18). As we come to the final days of this glorious month for Advancing, it’s important that you remain conscious of the fact that your advancement never stops. The month of May for us was declared as the month for advancing because in it, the Church of God will move forward, gain ground and make progress in an ever-advancing manner. Glory to God! The Good News Bible version of our opening scripture says, “The road the righteous travel is like the sunrise, getting brighter and brighter until daylight has come.” The Message Translation puts it this way: “The ways of right-living people glow with light; the longer they live, the brighter they shine.” I like that! You need to understand that for the Christian, life isn’t supposed to be one of “ups and downs.” You’re not supposed to be well sometimes and sick sometimes, or have money today and be broke next week, or advance this minute and regress the next. We’ve been called to live an ever-advancing life, where we’re on top and victorious every day no matter the situations we are faced with. When the Lord Jesus walked this earth, He never had a “blue day.” He dominated His environment and exercised mastery over the circumstances of life. Every day He advanced in influence, wisdom and favour with God and man (Luke 2:52). He lived the ever-advancing life. Now that you’re born again, God has given you that same life. Each day for you ought to be greater, better, and more fulfilling than the day before. Each month should be greater than the one before. Ever advancing and never stagnant! Glory to God! God’s desire for you is that when you look back at your life this May and beyond, you’ll be able to plot an upward and forward graph over time. This is the ever-advancing life! This life knows no disadvantage and no failure. This is God’s dream for you, and to walk in this path, you must first accept that God has given you this ever-advancing life irrespective of what your experience of life has been. Tell yourself, “I am living the ever-advancing life every day, in the Name of Jesus!” Culture your spirit with the Word of God to think of victory, success and progress. As you renew your mind this way, you’ll discover that you’re making continual progress and advancement in life. Oh! Praise the Lord! Let nothing or no one talk you out of this reality. You’ll keep advancing and there’s nothing the devil can do about it! Hallelujah!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 16:45:58 +0000

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