An Eye For An Eye Change Not The Reason For Such Action!!! By - TopicsExpress


An Eye For An Eye Change Not The Reason For Such Action!!! By Chief Elder Osiris What is wrong with Black people that have us desiring not Freedom over change, Justice over Progress, and Independence over Betterment? Such a philosphy by a people been made to be without the use of a Mind that Think, rather than believe, which has no Liberating value, and will have such a people settling for crumbs that come from the American pie, instead of desiring to make your own pie. Such a mind is of a people identified as Black Afrikan people, a people who been made blind by a social destruct that cause Black people to want to integrate and assimilate with people Black people been made to look upon as our Master, the same people that cause Black people to be blind from being exposed to Racial assimilation as a relationship to want, and been made to believe that such is the equivalent to being equal to white people, people we Black people been conditioned to look upon as being the Master Race, in comparison to the Black Race. Beloved Black people, we as a Black Race is doomed, as long as we walk the path that have us looking and not seeing, believing and not knowing, such a misfit mind in possession of Black people can only assure to be the Death of a Black Nation in ruin today, yet we been made not to be able to desire do anything about it. Here we Black folks are, so well conditioned to believe that we are meant to live in such a way to prove ourselves to White people, we been conditioned to hold white people up to be the goal we must become, in order to consider our Black self worthy of Respect. So today, all of our action which is based upon want, and want is a disease to Black people, is to prove ourselves to white people, and as long as we are of such a low down mind that guide us Black people, we will remain a people without the power and authority to require respect for our Black self, and a self disrespected people, are people without the proper mind to guide such a people. Why is it that Black people become offended whenever we are shown the true action and behavior we display to the world, and it is that spirit that is always busy trying to please white folks, trying to meet the standards white folks have set for us to meet. So, we Black folks find ourselves living a life of having to prove ourselves to the very people who have caused our living condition today, a condition based upon progression and change for the better, the very position that has nothing to do with freedom, justice, and independence, such are principles of Divine value to living life in peace and joy, a state of mind Black people are no longer in possession of. So, it is no wonder why Black people behave ignorantly toward the Divine Truth, that which inform Black people what we must do to once again be in possession of such Divine values to living. Why is it that Black people are made to accept the notion that we must go through channels of behavioral display that is established by white folks for Black people to express in order to be allowed the natural things required for living free and joyful. We it is, who must always be on alert to the way we behave around white folks, that is if we want to be exposed to the process of progression and betterment while white folks live life having not to prove anything to Black folks, not even in the way of there been a change in their behavior toward Black people. In America, White Folks Rule, they set the standards for Black folks to comply with, in order for Black folks to so call, move up in the process of living in America, a country where White Folks are in power and authority and is not going to share it with Black people whom they all the Time observe with suspicion, because of the pigment of our skin, and has done so, every since they acted with evil intent against our Black Ancestors. So, share with me beloved, what does it profit the Black Race to choose the action of an eye for an eye, over the action of Demanding our Enslaved Ancestors Reparation which lead Black people to Freedom in possession of power and authority in Afrika, being the Goverment of your Black life way of living, you being the next state to be established in Afrika, the Home place on this Earth of your Ancient Cosmic Divine First Way Black Ancestors, where we no longer will have to live with a reactionary spirit, but with a proactive character of confidence in Afrika. Be not continuously fooled by the Black Devils who lead you to believe, which is a state of mind always in doubt, having you to always be in motion to prove your Black self in America, and America is a white mans country, just as the world is dominated by the wants of white folks, which is why there is always wars and the rumor of wars, and always will be, until the Black world become in control of Afrika and the Living of Black Afrikan people no longer is based upon having to prove ourselves to white folks or anybody else not Black on this Earth. Beloved, can you understand that Divine Truth about your Black Divine self? Do you not know that belief, Want, Envy, Ego, Jealousy, Faith, Hope, all being attributes of Doubt, and that doubt is a creation of the Devil, Satan, Lucifer the Human Being, he who we now live the Black life in a state of proving our Black self to such evil? Who say we Black folks must live our life proving ourselves to white folks and that our living must be contingent upon what white folks believe about Black people, and yet all that we do is try and comply, as if we have no alternative to being under the control of white folks, all because we Black people been made to lose all knowledge of our Black Divine self, because of the fact white folks came and inserted their mind into a Black body where it does not belong, being not of Nature design. Now, here we Black folks are, incapable of knowing and understanding the Divine Truth as long as we function with the mind of the Devil, he being Lucifer the Human Being, the Satanic White Man, diseased with the want of power to rule the Black World, the World capable of bringing defeat to the want of Lucifer. Beloved, This Divine Truth About Your Black Self, Is Kept Away From You By Having You To Believe And Accept Our Living Is To Prove Our Self To White Folks, the Enslaver of The Black Race, Because he knows your Freedom Mean His Demise. Now The Devil Understand Every Word I Am Sharing With You and he Desire That You Never Will!!! Reparation Now, Is Our Ship Of Liberation, Demand It In The Name And Thoughts Of Our Enslaved Ancestors, And Observe What Will Happen To The World And What Will Be The World Action. But First, We Must Organize ourselves and become acquainted with the Divine Truth Concerning Reparation, Which Not Many Black Folks Are In Possession Of. So, Remember Beloved Black People, It Is The Fools Among Us Who Will Speak negatively Against What Is Not Understood By The Fool Who Do Such Speaking About Reparation. Divine Respect Osiris Chief Elder Pan Afrikan InterNationalist Movement (PAIN) Sankofa Reparation / Repatriation Movement All Rights Reserved@2014
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 12:24:28 +0000

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