An Hour of Human Nature... (Seriously. An hour!) I have not - TopicsExpress


An Hour of Human Nature... (Seriously. An hour!) I have not felt very good at all today. Really for over a week now... A general malaise, with body aches, that has piggy backed days of dealing with the back and forth of sinus head aches to full on migraines. With that said, I wasnt excited to drive Luke to soccer practice across town tonight. But, he, Lexi, and I managed to have some laughs all the way there. Now, for the hour that followed: Example of Human Nature #1- Once back in our neck of the woods, Lexi and I turned off of Memorial on the road between Charlies Chicken and Game Stop, to make our way to do a Walmart run. Upon turning in, a woman in a huge pick-up truck gave me the middle finger, accompanied by facial expressions that said a million words without having to hear them with our actual ears. I was stunned. I quickly asked Lexi if I had done something, unbeknownst to myself, that would have caused such an outburst of physical and facial hostility. Lexis eyes said more than her mouth. No!. In truth, I almost needed to pull over as my feelings were hurt and we both felt confused. But, we went on and pulled into our parking spot at Walmart and just took deep breaths. You see, Ive been battling so many ridiculous notions lately that I am not liked. And, the enemy used this womans actions to try and pry back open a hurt that Ive been fighting diligently to dispel. In those moments of deep breaths, I was grateful that Lexi was with me. Her heart is so tender and her capability for compassion is unsurpassed by most of her age. She actually managed to make me smile... Example #2- As we got out of the car to head to the storefront, we saw at least five shopping carts left where people had decided that it was too much effort to place them back up front or in the designated cart racks. Or, that it wasnt their problem if the Oklahoma winds blew said carts into other peoples cars. So, we moved them all back to the cart racks. (I have made a lot of mistakes as a parent, but ask any of my children... We always put the carts back!) Example #3- Even after having a not-so-nice birdie flown in my face, I was able to have my typical sweet smalltalk with the checkout cashier. In fact, my first comment to her was that I was sorry if I was over the 20 items, as I had gotten into that designated lane without counting. I didnt think that I had, but I felt impressed to use that as way to make conversation. She told me that it was no problem as she was a new trainee and needed all of the practice she could get. Her demeanor was positive and infectious. She actually made me feel better. And, guess what?! She was on her second job of the day!! Example #4- As Lexi and I left the store, we saw two more unattended carts and placed them in the racks. We then made our way to Sonic as it is BOGO free on hotdogs today. (I know, I know... Not healthy. No need to scold...;-) But, as we turned out of the parking lot and on towards Sonic, we saw a family of five with a Homeless sign. (For those of you that dont know this area, this is not the norm. I am at this Sonic and/or Walmart at least 4 times a week and I have never seen any.) When we got up to place our order, I asked the woman if she knew about the family. She said that she did and that they are legitimately in need. That they, as a store, have taken them food and drinks many times.) Im not going to lie, I really wanted to buy them dinner, but I clean houses just for the small luxuries of eating out, and I actually had to think it through... But, then I remembered that just a month ago a family blessed us in a financial way that was not expected. So, how could I not just buy some drinks and hot dogs? Example #5- The cashier took our order and then proceeded to tell me that she was only charging me half price for our entire bill because of what I was doing. Wow! I surely did not expect that. Paying it forward to pay it forward to pay it forward... Lexi and I were excited to take the food to the family, but when we got back to where they were, they were gone. I pulled over in disappointment. We then discussed driving down further to another area on Memorial where we would be more apt to find someone else in need. But, as I looked across the parking lot, I saw that the family had moved to the front of Walmart with their sign. We quickly took them their meals. They were so thankful. There was a language barrier as I learned that they are Romanian. There were two small children, a newborn, and a mother and father. Their faces were precious. Truthfully, I just wanted to load them all in my car as I noticed that the beautiful young mother had breast milk stains on each side of her blouse....... However, in broken English the young father showed me a bill to the hotel that they were staying at. The date, time stamp, and all seemed legit, so I asked Lexi to get a $20 bill out of my purse. (Again, just being honest, my mind was just thinking, My movie date with Lexi will just have to wait. I dont know if Im being scammed, but this feels right.. Example #6- As I handed the money to the father, a small commotion began to take place at the entrance right where we were. There were two Walmart managers and at least 10 plus shoppers gathering. The young father and I assumed that the family was fixing to be asked to leave as it against policy for this type of activity outside of their store. (I do understand that.) The father then said, Thank you, and scooted his family away quickly. But, as Lexi and I got back into our car it was easy to see that the small melee had nothing to do with the family. A female shopper had run into Walmart just as Lexi and I had pulled up. (I remembered seeing her as she seemed frantic.) She was directing the male employee to a car on the other side of the parking lot. They were running together to get to it. I admit that I drove slow, with my windows down, while watching the now assumed Loss Prevention employee film a white car, while talking on the phone to the police. He was also talking out loud to the people in the car, letting them know that their plates were now turned into the police... That hour this evening ran a full gamut of emotions for me. Writing it out has impressed upon me several things. Most notably... You dont have to watch the news to know that the world is hurting. But, it also only takes a smile and a kind word to change someones perspective. Dear Lord, Help me tune out the lies of the liar. Please heal me of the physical and mental infirmities that keep me from being a full on, out in the trenches, witness for Your Kingdom. Please watch over this family and bring people into their path that can not only lead them to you, but secure work and lodging. Please help the hurting, angry people of the world. Especially those that are driving on the same roads as my children. And, please bestow special blessings on the cashiers at Walmart and Sonic. They did for me what I always hope to do for others. Amen. It might sound cheesy, but Im now singing the old song, Pass It On. Oh, that we all might do so...
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 01:52:00 +0000

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