An Interfaith Crucible is an extraordinary interview with Mirabai - TopicsExpress


An Interfaith Crucible is an extraordinary interview with Mirabai Starr, Author from the Fall 2014 issue of Parabola Magazine. Heres a taste: I believe we are endowed with a faculty of discernment that guides us to seek life-giving truths. When we encounter different faiths, we know exactly how to excavate and sift to find the jewels that lie at the heart of each tradition. Every religion contains a treasure trove of wisdom teachings and transformational practices, and each one is also burdened with divisive messages and a history of violence and oppression. The gems are our birthright, and this God-wrestling process is our legacy. Contrary to the assumption that the inter-spiritual path is for those who lack conviction—spiritual dilettantes who dabble in the feel-good aspects of religion because they’re too lazy to cultivate the discipline required for “real” religious life—it requires tremendous rigor and courage to say “yes” to the beauty wherever we encounter it, and to say “no” to whatever generates the poison of “otheriz-ing.” ... CLICK BELOW TO READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE BY MIRABAI STARR.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 00:36:46 +0000

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