An Intro. to an open letter to Dr. Zakir. Proving to him Maulid in - TopicsExpress


An Intro. to an open letter to Dr. Zakir. Proving to him Maulid in Hadith and Quran. Rasul (s) did it, and Allah asks us to do it. Here it is. Assalam, Part (A) 1. It is a tradition of both the Arabs n d Jews (Which we all do today) to circumcise n slaughter a ram on d 7th day of our birth day. A feast (shearing of meals) is made, and a name is given on that day. The meet of the ram is divided into three: for family, relatives n neighbors. These three groups eat the meat with joy of celebrating a child- treasure that Allah grants them. It is called a celebration of birth day, Maulid. 2. Abdul Mutalib (ra) (Rasuls grand father) slaughtered a ram for Rasul (s) to celebrate his birth day, Maulid. On his 40th yr, Rasul (s) himself slaughtered a ram and made a feast tocommemorate his birthday celebration,-Maulid. 3. Rasul (s) slaughtered a ram on the birth day of Imam Hassan (ra) (Rasul 1st grand child) nd made a feast for him and named him as such, Maulid. Rasul (s) did the same for his 2nd grand child, Imam Husein (ra), Maulid 4. Rasul (s) fast each Monday to remind us of his birth day and to thank Allah in that regard,-Maulid. We ask you now, what is so significant behind the fact that slaughtering of a ram which has bn the tradition of old to celebrate a birthday, was never abolish by Rasul (s) but rather he engaged in it and we continue to do the same to day? Slaughtering of a ram to celebrate birthday was a tradition of old long b4 d advent of Rasul (s). Rasul (s) maintained it. He did d same for himself , and for his grand children. I hv proved with all the above that Rasul (s) grandfather made Maulid for Rasul (s). Rasul (s) made Maulid for himself, and Rasul (s) also made Maulid for his grand children. Part (B). It is said that Rasul (s) did Tarawih prayers for three days, nd then stop. The three days of Rasuls (s) performing Tarawih prayers has bn used as a reason to enforce Tarawih prayers despite the fact that Rasul (s) abolished it fearing that it will be compulsory upon us, yet Khaliph Umar (ra) made it compulsory for us, call it Bida al-Hassan. Meaning, Good innovation. Like wise we made it compulsory upon us to celebrate Mualid of Rasul (s) because he, Rasul (s) did it ones and twice for his grand children, making three in all. We call also call it Bida al-Hassan. as well. I again proved Maulid. Part (C) Allah says to Annabi Musa (ra), Wa iz taaazana Rabbu-kum la-inshakartum la azii-na kum... Meaning, And remember! your Lord caused to be declared PUBLICILY. If ye are grateful, I will add more (favors unto you... (Q, 19:7). Not only do we declare Allah publicly, but we are also grateful that He has given us the greatest favor ever, Annabi Muhammad (S), the best of all creation, the bounty above all bounties, the one whose love must exceed the love of our parents, children and all wealth; the best of all characters (Q, 33:21) (Q, 9:128) (Q, 68:4) (Q, 26:15-), Rasul (s), Al-Nur- light above all lights (Q, 3:174) On the day Rasul (s) was born, Allah and angels praised him nd commanded us to do d same. (Q, 33:56). The day Rasul (s) was born, each creature on earth and heaven rejoiced except Shaytan who cried of pain. Now look at this analogy, Then give the glad tidings to the believers, that they shall have from Allah A very great Bounty. (Q, 33:47) Yusif Ali gave the Tafir of the above verse as, The light of Islam is the biggest bounty possible and if they truly understand it, they should glorify it. Two things here: Islam and its Lights. If Islam is the religion, which is its lights then? The light of Islam is no one but Rasul (s). Allah says, 45, O Prophet! Truly we have sent Thee as a Witness, a Bearer of Glad tidings, and a warner. 46, And as one who invites to Allahs (Grace) by his leave, and as a LAMP SPREADING LIGHT. (Sura Ahzab). Therefore the greatest bounty of Allah is Islam and Rasul (s) as its teacher and also its lights. If you are not convince, read this, O Mankind, Verily, There come to you a convincing proof (Quran) from your Lord: For we have sent unto you (A messenger), A light (that is Manifest in the physical appearance of personality of Muhammad (PBUH) Now read its tafsir, The Proof and the Light are Quran and the Personality, life and teachings of Muhammad. (Yusi Ali) Say Allahu Akbar!! (Q, 4:174). Nana Aysha (r. anha) was asked, Who is Rasul (s)? She replied, The Quran. Now lets see what Allah said about this light (Annabi Muhammad (PBUH). Allah says, Wa maa arsalnaaka illa rahmatal-lil-aalamiin. Meaning, We have sent you not, except as a mercy (grace, blessing,>bounty) for all creatures. (Q, 21:107). According to Yusif Ali, everything on earth cannot equal this Bounty and Mercy, Annabi Muhammad (S). Now let us see what Allah asked us to with this Bounty and Mercy, Annabi Muhammad (PBUH), O Mankind, there hath come to you an admonition and a healing for the (disease) in your hearts-and for those who believe, a Guardian and a Mercy (Annabi Muhammad (pbuh). Say, In the bounty of Allah and His Mercy, (Annabi Muhammad (pbuh)-in that let them rejoice. that is better than the (wealth) they hoard. (Q, 10:57-58). This verse alone stamped and crushed the any tafsir that says the bounty of Allah are wealth comprised of children, piled of gold, grains and animals. Allah will never tell us to Rejoyce in them while at the same time He tells us they are not better than the Mercy it self. May God forbid! The Mercy here is non but Rasul (s) himself whom Allah says we should rejoice in him. What is rejoicing than celebration Mulid) of happiness that We Rasu (s) as our Mercy? This verse strongly confirmed the rejoicing Celebration of Rasul (s)...and what is the better day to rejoice celebrate him than the day he was born? The day he himself slaugtyed a ram n made a feast for himself, than day he fast Mondays. Allah says, Faammaa binihmati Rabbika Faandith. Meaning, As for the bounty (mercy) of Allah, proclaim it. (reveal it, celebrate it, show it.) (Sura Zuhaa-93:11) What more to proclaim, show, celebrate than the Bounty or Mercy Himself? Annabi Muhammadu Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi wassalam!!!. Alhamdulillah! Enough is a word that is understood than thousands words that is not understood. MAULID 4EVER. BAYE 4EVER.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 22:00:22 +0000

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