“An Introduction to Medical Cannabis / Medical Marijuana” - TopicsExpress


“An Introduction to Medical Cannabis / Medical Marijuana” (Ver. 1.20) Below are two videos, and two web-sites that introduce a new understanding of cannabis to many of us. Links to the resource videos and web-sites are given at A), B), C), and D), following the Introduction and Notes sections. -- Preface -- Hi, My motive for gathering and preparing this small collection of material is so that if someday you, or somebody you love, has a medical need for cannabis, you and the doctor will have it available. I believe the cannabis plant should be released from government control and prohibition. I lost my mother indirectly to lung cancer, and an aunt and two cousins to cancer. The information in the resources suggests my loved ones could possibly have been saved; but, medical research on cannabis has been restricted by the government. Thus, our doctors have been prevented from researching its benefits; the benefits we do know, were discovered in spite of our government; and, because of the sacrifice and risk of our citizens and the research done in other countries; so, my mothers, and relatives doctors were both ignorant of the benefits of medical cannabis, and prohibited from prescribing it because the cannabis plant is illegal. With respect to these losses, I have reviewed some of the available material regarding medical cannabis and the related topic, the legalization of medical cannabis, and have included four resources to share with you. If the material covered in these four resources is accurate, we have been massively misled in our understanding of the safety and medical usefulness of the cannabis plant. The reference sources considered, indicate what appears to be factual results of modern research examining the cannabis plant. They present marvelous parallels between its chemistry, and that of the human brain and body. For example, the human brain and body internally produce compounds identical to those found in the cannabis plant, and are set up to take advantage of these compounds in many amazing ways. The cannabis plant is the only plant that produces these particular helpful compounds. The references also show intentional efforts to vilify users of this plant, and to prevent knowledge of its positive and extremely useful interactions with our brains and bodies from coming to light. It is important to determine the accuracy of these cannabis facts stated in the resource videos and web-sites. I encourage you to view the resources --- and --- to forward or print out this e-mail and give it to your friends, family, and doctor so they all can be made aware of what could be a revolution in medicine; you should ask your doctor to view and comment on the accuracy of the ideas and statements presented in the videos and web-sites. YOU and your doctor may see things in the resources that are discoveries that have not yet been incorporated into medical school curricula. Our medical professionals should keep an open mind when it comes to the study of this medicinal plant that has been used by humans for thousands upon thousands of years, until made illegal in this country 70 years ago due to (according to the reference sources) economic, social, and political forces aligned against it, for the personal gain of a few powerful people. Should the laws be changed so medical cannabis is completely available to all of us? Should it be available, so we could consider using it based upon the recommendation of our doctors? At a minimum, our doctors and researchers should have access to, and be able to study and prescribe the plant in its many forms and methods of use. Politicians should have no influence on this question of access to, study of, and ability to prescribe cannabis by our doctors. Politicians, being influenced by lobbyists cannot help but be biased, intentionally or not, by the many powerful and influential economic forces that would attempt to prevent the legalization of the medical cannabis plant. No drug company would want us to be able to grow our own medicine. The politicians should NOT have control over these decisions. The decisions regarding this plant should be made by us and our doctors. If the references are factual, we have been misled and medical cannabis should be completely legalized --- NOT the severely limited, or essentially non-existent legalization in some states, where many people that could benefit from medical cannabis are not allowed to have it. At a minimum, each state should legalize medical cannabis. And, we may want to consider the complete legalization of medical cannabis, nationwide. Please view the reference sources A), B), C), and D); and, inform your contacts of this page so they may view these resources. Sincerely, Dave ©DWV
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 23:19:38 +0000

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