An Island of Sanity - #7096 72 Hours That Rocked the - TopicsExpress


An Island of Sanity - #7096 72 Hours That Rocked the World Some people see Easter as just a social event with Easter Egg Hunts and family gatherings. In this booklet, Ron shares that its so much more! He explains the 72 Hours That Rocked the World and what it can mean to you personally. Order 72 Hours That Rocked the World to share with your family, friends, neighbors, and anyone you know who does not know about this amazing life-changing experience. Join the Conversation Monday, March 24, 2014 There is almost nothing more chaotic than moving. Some years ago we moved our office to something more suitable that God had wonderfully provided. The result was terrific! The process was horrendous. Unfortunately, the work didnt stop just because it was time to move. We had to press on and not let all the inconveniences stop us. I had some real deadlines to meet, (like always), including some radio visits like these to prepare for. Now, people were kind enough to attack my office last. So as the files and the furniture were flying, I just retreated to my office. Pretty soon my office started to go. And when they invaded my office, I moved my little computer to a small tray in the corner, and I just kept typing, like Schroeder on his piano. I had to! At one point, someone literally carried my desk away while I was typing away at my little tray. In the midst of this growing chaos, I actually managed to carve out my own little peaceful corner. Im Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about An Island of Sanity. Our word for today from the Word of God comes right from the lips of Jesus Christ, John 14:27, Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. Ive got to tell you, this was not spoken at some quiet, spiritual retreat in the mountains. The soldiers were on their way to arrest Jesus; His cross was coming. The disciples world was just about to come totally unglued. And yet in the middle of this chaos, Jesus is talking about peace. I will give you peace; an island of sanity in an otherwise insane situation. But Hes saying that this peace wont come from whats going on around you; thats the kind the world gives. The island of sanity will be in you; deeply anchored in your personal relationship with Jesus Christ, which nothing can touch. I was on a plane some years ago, and they announced that we were suddenly being re-routed; flying from Chicago to Newark. Suddenly we were headed to Detroit, because we had hydraulic problems. The guy two seats over went, Thats it! Thats it! Thats the landing gear. That helped. Next to me was this little grandma. She was terrified. This was really scary to her, and the flight attendants were running back and forth saying, Seat belts. Seat belts. Seat belts. I just kept working, because I really didnt feel any particular panic. I kind of tried to calm down this grandma next to me. I said, Hey, were going to Detroit for no extra charge. They usually charge for this. She laughed. I kept trying to provide some calm for her. Well, it ended up we landed amid this fleet of emergency vehicles, but we were safe. After it was all over she said, How can you stay so calm? I said, Well, I have to tell you, its because of a personal relationship that I have with Jesus. See, when you have that - the peace doesnt come from what is going on around you, but the peace comes from whats going on inside you...actually whos going on inside of you. When you have this all-knowing, all-powerful Savior youve got nothing to fear. He loved us enough to die our death penalty for our sin on the cross. Hes powerful enough to be the only person in history to march out of His own grave. Speaking of Jesus, Ephesians 2:14 says, He Himself is our peace. I have tested that peace over and over: when weve been very concerned about a child, when I almost lost my wife, when my Dad died, when the finances have been impossible, Jesus has been that peaceful corner, like that chaotic moving day. He is my island of sanity. He wants to be yours. If youre not sure you belong to this Prince of Peace, I urge you to open your heart to Him today. The Bible says until we have our sin forgiven, there is no peace. But when you put your total trust in this man who died for your sin, the wall between you and God comes down and you finally have what has eluded you all these years-real peace. If you want to belong to Him; if you want to be sure you belong to Him and let the peace begin, let me urge you to meet me at our website and join me there, and I will explain to you very briefly how you can be sure you have begun your personal relationship with the Prince of all Peace. Go to ANewStory. Its like moving day every day in this stressful world we live in. Theres no peace except in a heart where Jesus has come to live at your invitation, because beyond the chaos you will always have His island of peace.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 10:10:20 +0000

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