An-Nasa’y narrated that the Prophet b said: “Allah has - TopicsExpress


An-Nasa’y narrated that the Prophet b said: “Allah has allowed silk and gold for the females of my Ummah (Muslim Nation) and disallowed them for the males of my Ummah (Muslim Nation).” In another narration, the Prophet b said: “Wearing silk and gold is disallowed for the males of my Nation and allowed for the females. ” AI-Bokhary In addition narrated that the Messenger of Allah b has disallowed wearing and sitting on silken garments and Dibaj (pure silken clothes), and then added, “It is for them (whoever wears them among men) in this life and for you in the Life Hereafter.” This
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 08:31:13 +0000

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