An OPEN LETTER TO MR. OBAMA. I HOPE HE READS THIS: Dear Mr. President, You dont MANAGE an enemy, you KILL and enemy. We didnt MANAGE Hitler and his regime, we KILLED Hitler and the Nazis. ISIS is at war with us, Mr. President. They have killed our people. Beheaded them. Not to mention the killing of our Ambassador in Benghazi and the others there, which we have yet to seek retribution for in Libya. Did you read where ISIS now is encamped in our compound there now, Mr. President since you seem to only get your news from the media and not by reading your Intel. We need to now send troops in and kill every stinking one of these dirty bastards from the air, land and sea and let them know AMERICA will not put up with this crap. If not, they will be coming to our cities and small towns in the coming months. In the six years you have been in office, you have set our country back decades. It will take the next president time to get this country set back right from the damage you and your administration have caused, if it is ever fully corrected. Please, for the sake of this great country, since you apparently cannot handle this job, why not resign, go on a public speaking tour, make tons of money and go play golf fulltime? You, sir, are either too weak to make a decision or too ignorant to understand your enemy - either way, you are in over your head as Commander in Chief. Please, surround yourself soon with wise people who understand the Middle East and who these enemies are or get out and let someone else do the job. Our country cannot stand another minute of your apathy. The two journalists who recently lost their lives would likely be alive today had you taken action. God help us all.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 11:14:21 +0000

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