An Obituary to a dying Nation :- India was not ripe for - TopicsExpress


An Obituary to a dying Nation :- India was not ripe for Multinationals selling commodities, False glimmer of better lives with Bestprice and Pizza Huts, Dominos, 120000 crore going out as student fees for studying in one room colleges in Australia and UK while our engineering college have 65% unfilled seats. Plunder of national wealth by the same economist who oversaw Harshad scam and Telgi scam. People could not understand that it was the communist who saved India by not allowing India in (2004-09) to be linked to the dying economies of West. But the unaware (Religion, caste poisoned) people voted the communist out and Congress in. India got an opportunity to sell its scammed 2G spectrum but the present regime chose to throw all norms of fair play by making one excuse after another to delay and then now finally making spectrum unconnected to market. Coal a national asset was given to people who were already black with corruption. An insistent Supreme court wanted to break control of Government over the investigation but shameless regime chose to get rid of all files and smile. NSEL National spot exchange ran a complete scam were Father In law was the chairman and Son In law the chief beneficiary who worked the market with false claim of almost 75000 tonnes of castor seed and oil when his total capacity of storage is even less than 200 tonne. Kingfisher showed how the kings could fish banks and women at random. Reliance awarded Airport metro worth 6000 crore with equity of one lakh. Akash tablet used to cheat masses. Posco and other big projects delayed due to missionary by using environment as a tool in states ruled by opposition saw flight of investment. CWG Common wealth games used to loot the common mans hard earned money using Ballon worth hundred of crores to show off and loot while thousands continue to die with lack of food. Gas prices hiked to benefit just one company. A single corporate CEO moved from flat to building which can rival the shiekhs. When all other corporates were failing a new Management Guru started doing business with borrowed money and land and made thousands of crores. He was cornered by Khemka who has been on rollercoaster of transfers. If out of million their was one Khemka. It was not difficult for Haryana Govt to find three who could say Khemka is wrong. Foreign minister Salaman Khurshid got caught in looting handicap scam, Bansal the railway minister was made a witness in a scam which he ran. Women were raped and are continued to be raped in capital but the government continues with its corruption. Continues to sell all thana, PS posts. Judges continue to get lucrative posts after retirement even when Justice has alluded the people of this nation form past centuries. The judges are awarded even when they go out of posts just to tell those in power posts the benefits of remaining corrupt. The nation is falling on all fronts and the enemy have started sending foot soldiers to stake claims over a dying nation run by a criminal regime of cheats, crooks, thugs of the worst order. Why are the people not reacting???/??????/???????/??????///?????? A common man like me looks back at history to find reason of impotency of common man. Why are we behaving like chakas ? The answer lies in history whenever we were attacked by invaders the common man chose to remain loyal to the regime in power in spite of the persecution they faced. It appears to me Independence was not demanded and is admired by all it was forced on us by Gandhi.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 08:25:09 +0000

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