An Ode to the Great Mujjadid Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Qadiri - TopicsExpress


An Ode to the Great Mujjadid Imam Ahmad Raza Khan Qadiri Barakaati Bareillwi: Sayid Ayoob Ali narrates, The distinguished orator, Allamah Mawlana Haji Qaari Shah Abdul Aleem Siddiqi Qadiri Razvi Meerti, on returning from the Haramayn Shareefayn presented himself to the Great Imam and recited the following Manqabat in praise of Sayyiduna Ala Hadrat (RadiAllahu Anhu). You are more than what is said in your praise, O Sha Ahmad Raza! You are the distributor of Irfaan. You are drowned in the Ocean of love and intoxicated from the goblet of Tawheed, You are the accepted of He who is the Beloved of Allah. You are the centre of Shariah, The orbit of those on the path of Tariqah and the axis of Haqiqah. Such a Qutbul Awliya are you! The oceans of Shariah and Tariqah join here. Your chest is the confluence of those oceans. Such a guide are you! The people of the Haram have accepted you as their Qibla and Kabaah, You are the ‘people of the Qiblas’ Qibla. Such a Qibla are you! Through whom the Crowns of the Eminent are decorated, You are such a radiant emerald and priceless gem! I went to the land of the Arabs and saw with my eyes your activities; undoubtedly, you are the direction of the Ajam (Non Arab)! The people of the path of Tariqah travel for you, Such a Qutb of the time and Leader of the Awliya are you! The glory of Siddique Akbar is demonstrated through your taqwa, Why should I not call you the most pious when you are the most virtous! The awe of Farooq-e-Azam is demonstrated from you, You are the epitome of harshness on the kuffar, You are the courageous lion of whom the dissentors fear! You have collected the secret Quranic points, This is your inheritance from Uthmaan! In the sincerity of Ali, mannerism of Hassan and the resolve of Husayn, By Allah you the most unique of the times and someone unfound! You are spreading the knowledge of truth into the corners of the globe, You are the Imaam of the Ahle Sunnah and the Successor to Sayyiduna Gauth-e-Paak! Beggars beseech and spread their bags before you, Fill the bags of the mendicant because you are their hope! No one is ever returned empty handed, such a generosity is yours! This unfortunate Aleem is a humble beggar of your court, You are his King who will show favour on his condition! Once the Mawlana had recited these verses, Sayyiduna Ala Hadrat asked him, Mawlana, What can I present to you? The Imam pointed to his turban (which was very expensive) whilst he asked this to the Mawlana. Even if I had to present this turban to you, it still would not be worthy to be placed at your feet as you have come from the most sanctified of places. However, I have a very expensive jubba (Cloak) which I shall present to you.” Sayyiduna went into his home and returned, carrying in his hands a velvet jubba. He gifted this jubba which could not have been less than 250 Rupees to the Mawlana who stood up to receive it. He received it with both his hands, kissed it and placed it upon his eyes and then upon his head. Then he held it against his chest for a very long time. (Hayat-e-Ala Hadrat by Malikul Ulema, Shah Zafarudeen Bihaari) We pray to the Bounteous Lord through the Waseela of His Compassionate Rasūl, Sayyidun wa Mawlan MuHammadur Rasoolullah Sallallaho Alaihi wa Sallam to shower the grave of the author with choicest blessings and through him, bless us all and let his struggle be a source of guidance to the Mankind. Ameen.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 05:58:17 +0000

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