An Open Letter to Raju Hirani: Dear Mr. Hirani, First up, - TopicsExpress


An Open Letter to Raju Hirani: Dear Mr. Hirani, First up, Congratulations for creating the perfect ripple with your latest outing, PK. Amid much bated breath and anticipated respects (from all quarters, I must admit!), almost every Indian, queued up in lines to get the 1st day tickets to your once-in-5-years piece of art. A figure of nonchalance, aloofness, stubborn righteousness and casual correctness, a film maker who is known to put his soul and human pulse in his movies, youve certainly created a big stamp of presence for yourself, and this is where you mistook your arts acknowledgement to be the final word on the way you perceive life, religion, and sadly, hinduism too. Someone whos known to bring tears in the movie goers eyes, is this one time, bringing tears to many a pair of eyes yet gain, for the sheer cheat of his very values and his very depiction of what he lives by and believes in. You might want to know what and how this unfolded, just in case youre still living like an Alice in Wonderland. Just so that you know - your showing hinduism, gurus in an appalling light and how fake and frivolous our belief system is, just shows how hollow your understanding of life is. Your opening credits scream undefined gratitude to His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (apparently you seem really taken and indebted to him!) and then you go all out, full steam in showing Sri Sris yagyashala area from the famed Art of Living International Center, Bangalore as the centre of Dhongi Babaness. Wow, what irony!! The film maker wants to thank his guru, because his movies theme surrounds Gurus..albeit in a not-even-worth-mentioning light. For someone whos taken so much pride in Sri Sris existence and his words all over the globe, and even joining Sri Sris google hangouts to vocalise your support to the humanitarian whos slogging day and night to create a One World Family, this comes across as a ripping act of faith and trust of your own faith. Mr. Hirani, do you really believe that all Gurus are the same? What is that makes you thank Sri Sri in the opening credits? Is it your guilt that makes you showcase your support to him or is that you consciously want to pin point that Sri Sri is not in the league of the Rampals, the Asaram Bapus and the Nirmal Babas..???? Really now?! And of course, you go ahead and get the leading actor, Mr. Aamir Khan to voice the dialogue, Jo darta hai woh mandir jaata hai Oh really? Then what explains Mr. Khans haj trip in 2012? Toh kaun darta hai?? And Yes, now comes the part everyones been raving about - your depiction of the true state of religion in our country, and what it ought to be. So first you make an unrealistic, unbelievable plot to roll to put your point of view and our darling viewers lap it all up with open eyes and applauding hands..So youre basically asking everyone to get sensitive about religion barriers and turn absolutely blond-ish in their acceptance of Aamirs language learning and speaking skills, an alien dancing and falling in love and finally an alien appearing on National Television..really now..I can imagine what lengths you had to go to, for you to make your desperate point.So here is what some of us think: 1. Religion is NOT the same as Spirituality. 2. Not every religion is or a sect is after money, and not everything has to be depicted with a cynical eye. Just because an Oh My God comes and sweeps the ground, you dont need to get carried away. 3. Gurus CANNOT be generalized and standardized as a commodity coming out of a factory line. Youre probably blocking the path of a million others who are waiting for so much wisdom, grace and knowledge to enter their lives ,all in the name of an entertaining record-breaking movie. 4. Your making fun of a religious practice and anything to do with God is miles away from the beauty of having a true Guru, and a deep,deep faith in the Divine. Why and what you did, only you know. What you may not know is that today, you have actually failed your sense of perfection with which you thought you understood and life. Youve truly failed to bring the right faith and belief that so many of us need, and probably, youve also failed yourself as a devotee today. that is, if you ever called yourself one.. But do remember, a true master is all forgiving and full of unlimited acceptance and grace. He surely does not need your endorsement but today, you lost the vote of confidence with so many of us who understand the gravity of what youve done. May you be blessed with the finery of thought and action that Indias finest film maker should ideally have...God Bless.... Regards, An Indian.....
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 17:24:20 +0000

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