An Open Letter to Shepard Smith... Dear Shep; Under normal - TopicsExpress


An Open Letter to Shepard Smith... Dear Shep; Under normal circumstances out of respect I would call you Mr. Smith but after yet one more opinionated moronic insensitive statement out of your mouth I just cannot bring myself to it which I am sure you will understand.... If you dont, I am sure you can get over it... I have pondered long and hard whether to write this or not this letter and whether or not it will make a difference. Honestly, it occurred to me that as you have your pulpit that you can preach and pass judgement on, I will exercise the same right but free of charge. How dare you in your sublime ignorance make such a vitriolic statement about someones state of mental health? Depression and its side effects AND collateral damage are not a joke - it is an illness. Did he hurt you physically or emotionally? Did he hurt others (besides the obvious answer of his family which is yes but I will get to that shortly)? Please do not begin to expect that your pathetic apology can even make up for the hurt you caused his family, but also countless other people that might be in the same situation as Mr. Williams and his family. Speaking of his family, how do you think the three wonderful children that you built up as you were about to pass judgment whom he read to and his beloved daughter Zelda felt when you, from your ostentatious media throne room passed judgement on their Father who lost a fight to his demons and called him a coward. Are they not suffering enough in your opinion that you decided to stick a fork in it? Lets now speak to your use of the word cowardice? Evidently it is easy to throw a stone AND live in a glass house. Your own private life has come and continues to come under question yet your courage (cough cough) seems to prevent you from making a statement to either confirm (proudly) or deny (proudly) what honestly is nobodys business and a private affair yet fait accompli. You are a public figure and as such are held (in my humble opinion) to a higher standard than that of sharing your unasked for and unwarranted points of view on what is one of todays biggest plights amongst all age groups and particularly our youth - depression and suicide (if you question the veracity of my statement check the stats from the CDC). You could have and should have taken the ethical road and reported on the facts and the facts alone, help bring to light this plight and be an agent of change. Instead, your just another mouthpiece on TV that freely spouts and then asks for forgiveness. Shame on you and an even bigger shame on those that sign your paycheck and will continue to do so because of the advertising dollars you bring in. Furthermore, let me kindly remind you that your opinion is basically breaking ranks with Foxs motto of We Report, You Decide unless there is a trailing end to the motto that has the words We Pass Judgment. In closing - why did I write this? Simple... I have fought and continue to fight my own demons every day.... Sometimes every minute of the day, yet I find the strength to fight on, for me, for those that love me, for those that I can possibly help one day... Hopefully I will win, and should I not, then at least I gave it my all and hope that I will not looked back as a coward rather that I had the courage to stick out as long as I did... Signed, A proud coward
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 22:36:52 +0000

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