An Open Reply to Maggie the Police Woman - by Richard - TopicsExpress


An Open Reply to Maggie the Police Woman - by Richard Scotford Thanks for your honest insight into what the police are going through. It means a lot to the people on the other side of the police tape. You should also know; We too are putting in long hours, missing irreplaceable family time and even putting ourselves at great risk. This is something that we truly believe and we will not stop. Our sacrifices are worth it and we hope to make a better future for HK tomorrow. Our sacrifices are guided by a firm belief that what we are doing is right. Can you say that about your sacrifices? Are the kids that you face on the frontline every night so different from your own? In years to come when they ask you what you did in this crucial time of Hong Kongs political development, will you have the courage to say, honey, I missed your first steps as I was protecting a government I didnt really believe in that took away your rights. Maggie, Im sorry that you feel like youve aged 10years over this, but that is probably because you know in your heart of hearts how the police are acting is wrong. Conversely, we are energised by this Movement. While you feel isolation from your network, we have experienced rejuvenating joy from forming new networks and friends, of those who support the Movement. Life long bonds have been created that will power this Movement ever forward. We are energised by the creative, innovative passions the Movement has released in people. While you pray for this to all end, we know it will continue on and on. As you feel the bonds that tie the police force together fracture, we feel the bonds that tie us together as a community strengthen. Maggie, what is wrong with your husband supporting the Umbrella Movement? You are a police woman, sworn to protect and serve all without favour. The police should not be a political entity that is opposed to the Umbrella Movement. Your pain at your husbands political astuteness and desire to create a society that is free and fair for your children is because you can no longer separate out your professional obligation from the political indoctrination your receive at work from your superiors. It is the politicisation of your job that creates your inner anguish, not the political beliefs of your husband. Maggie, It sounds like you have been on duty right from the beginning. If this is true, you will know that at the start of this, no one chanted Black Police. Certainly, a few traded heated insults, but this was not the general sentiment of the crowd. It was only after the many incidents where the police liaised with Triads or stepped beyond their powers that the crowds sentiment turned against the police. Certainly police created this bad sentiment, but rather than try to mitigate it, they now openly exploit it. As an honest policewoman you should be turning your frustration upon these officers and demanding that they uphold the good reputation that you once had. With regards to the use of CS gas on the 28th September, our society will only grow and heal if people such as yourselves can have the courage to say, Im a police woman and proud of it, but in this respect, we were wrong and I apologise. Instead your wishy washy comment that you dont really know whether it was right or wrong adds nothing to the healing process what-so-ever. You are wise in saying you cant deny that some policeman have behaved badly, but your attention is still on the insults that the protestors trade with you as though this is the root cause of your problems. The protesters grow more angry because of the lack of discipline or morals shown by the some officers. You inner turmoil is not because of what the protesters say, but the fact that lots of it is actually true. If we chanted at you, Yanky Running Dogs, you would laugh it off because its not true. The insults hurt because they are true. Dont you think, if you and the entire force turned your attention to rectifying your mistakes then the protesters would then have no reason to curse and shout at you? As a supposedly disciplined Force, your priority should be to maintain discipline in order to get respect. You cant demand respect if you cant maintain discipline. Finally, Maggie, thanks for the insight into the working hours of the police force during this period. We all knew you were breaking labour laws, but now youve confirmed it. Well be lodging complaints with the labour department. As a Force, you cant demand absolute obedience to law and break laws in the process. This is a long fight Maggie, were only just getting started, you need to seriously think about what matters to you, your family and what that future will look like. Thanks The Umbrella Generation
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 10:39:05 +0000

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