An Opinion of the Correction System in Arkansas, June - TopicsExpress


An Opinion of the Correction System in Arkansas, June 2014: Prison is a farm. Prisoners are its crop. Arkansas’ Board of Correction desires revenue-generating incarceration over mental health and substance abuse treatment for nonviolent offenders. The Board of Correction is strategically violating parolees in order to over-crowd county jails, which in turn creates vocal dissent from sheriffs and legislators, which plays to the tune of selling the public on the need for another 1,000-bed prison. All of this to get the public’s approval of ending alternative forms of sentencing and dismantling Act 570 all together; a step backward for our state. Parole is once again a reservoir from which prisons draw as needed to fill emptied beds and justify demands for more prisons. This is human trafficking of a tradable commodity. Moreover, it is as it is at the direction of the Board of Correction, and at the will of the Legislature and the Governor.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 21:54:13 +0000

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