An Unanswerable Prayer? As an ever-loving Father, God wants to - TopicsExpress


An Unanswerable Prayer? As an ever-loving Father, God wants to uphold our steps as we walk through this life. He wants to be right alongside us and prevent us from falling. And so its entirely appropriate for us to ask the Lord to uphold our steps, as David does here in Psalm Chapter 17. But theres more to living life than that. It isnt just a matter of putting the proverbial ball in Gods court and expecting Him to make everything come out okay. No, theres also something required on our part. Theres a condition that needs to be met, and we see it in the words that immediately follow Davids petition. Notice that in Your paths comes after uphold my steps. In other words, there was an understanding in Davids heart that he had a responsibility toward God. He recognized that it was incumbent upon him to walk in the Lords ways and to stay in step with His statues. Sometimes we can forget that part of the equation. We pray and pray that God would bless our paths, but we dont stop to ask if were walking on His path to begin with. What if the path were on isnt bless-able to begin with? God, please prosper my lone sharking business. Father, uphold this extra-marital affair. Its never going to happen, because God isnt going to bless our steps when they stray outside His will. If we want to walk in the assurance that God is going to uphold and support us, then we need to examine our walk-our way of life. Are we knowingly or willingly participating in something thats not a part of His path? Are we praying an unanswerable prayer by asking God to bless unblessable behavior? All-wise Father, search our hearts, show us Your path, and give us the grace to never stray from it.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 16:13:46 +0000

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