An Uncommon Life I was raised a Catholic and going for morning - TopicsExpress


An Uncommon Life I was raised a Catholic and going for morning mass (service of worship) by 6 am was a priority. More so, I was a mass server and I had to be there about 30 minutes before time in order to set things on the altar for the mass. So I had to wake up on time. It was good training. In the thick of things was Tata, a septuagenarian. I was four years old then. He was a little bent with a toothy smile and a soft voice. He was of a small stature, about 5 feet tall, and he had a pleasant personality. Tata was one of the most useful souls in the community. He rang the big gigantic bell that signalled the break of dawn. It was no one’s job but he did it anyway and dutifully. The bell notified people that it was time for mass. It rang from 5am, in intervals of 15 minutes, until when it is 6am. That was my wake-up call. The bell did not only serve the church, it also served the community. Many who had to leave for work early had the benefit to be woken up by the bell in good time. The same thing applied to parents and their wards in school. Everyone, Catholics and non-Catholics, in the community knew Tata for his services. In the mid 1990s, Tata died. His funeral was one of the most emotional events I have ever been to. The church was full to the brim with all manner of people were there. Those who have never entered a church were also in attendance. They were there to pay respect to a man who had served the church and community longer than anyone could remember. Many paid tributes and when his body was living the church, the bells rang for almost eternity. It was the last respect for a man of great value. Never heard of Tata until now, I am sure. I’m also sure there are people like Tata around you. So you tell me, are they common? They might not be popular but they are uncommon. You don’t find them everywhere; these people who do it out of a deep sense of service to humanity. Emma Bombeck once said “don’t mistake being famous for being successful; Madonna is one, Helen Keller is the other”. (Helen Keller is one woman who was blind and deaf but contributed so much to humanity). So whatsoever you lay your hands on to do, do it well. Be the best mother ever. Be the best teacher that a child would ever have. Be the most reliable employee of your work place. Stand out. Don’t try to be uncommon, Be uncommon. Live out your true being. It doesn’t take anything special to be uncommon; it takes you doing things with dedication whether there is a reward or not. Focus on what you do. You are created to solve a problem. Be the “Tata” of your community, church and work place. This is all summed up in the poem, I once heard the great motivational speaker, Les Brown recite: I do not choose to be a common man, It is my right to be uncommon … if I can, I seek opportunity … not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen. Humbled and dulled by having the State look after me. I want to take the calculated risk; To dream and to build. To fail and to succeed. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole; I prefer the challenges of life To the guaranteed existence; The thrill of fulfillment To the stale calm of Utopia. I will not trade freedom for beneficence Nor my dignity for a handout I will never cower before any master Nor bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect. Proud and unafraid; To think and act for myself, To enjoy the benefit of my creations And to face the world boldly and say: This, with God’s help, I have done All this is what it means You will be remembered for your altruistic services, not by how great your earnings are. Gabriel Omin (A man i hold in high exteem)
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 13:06:36 +0000

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