An Undocumented Obama Voter shot and recently killed two - TopicsExpress


An Undocumented Obama Voter shot and recently killed two California Sheriff Deputys.. More illegals making their great contributions to the ol US of A It IS quite possible the Carjacker/Murderer was a recently (ICE) freed prisoner from the Ca prison system, Shades of Willie Horton. I did note that the carjackers also had handguns, shows how effective Californias tight Gun control laws are. Obama will see that the POS that did this gets released from detention just like the hundreds of other murderers, and rapists he released on our streets to cause harm to U.S. citizens, and if you think for one moment that they will stop in the middle of slaughtering people to ask you your political preference YOU are only fooling yourself. My sympathies to the Deputies their families, friends.. and the assaulted drivers. The captain of a 100 capacity ship came to tell the passengers and crew that they were overloaded, had 103 people on board, and were entering stormy waters. After a brief silence an Englishman stood up, God Save The Queen! and he jumped overboard. After another brief silence a Frenchman stood up, Viva La France! and he jumped overboard. After a long, long silence a tall Pissed off American stood up, and shouted Remember the Alamo!! and threw a Mexican stowaway, and his two Compadres overboard... Then jumped in the water to save the English, and French men. Some Police Officers are afraid to shoot back because Holder and Obama would send Sharpton and demand the police be indicted for murder, but DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE REST OF US AMERICANS WHO WILL FIGHT TO THE DEATH TO SAVE OUR NATION.. Yes its true (Thanks to Obama, Holder and those who still support and defend them).. Law Enforcement seems to be the preferred target lately. Unfortunately also kids. So glad DHS purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammo with OUR MONEY. Hatchet job in NYC, The Death of these two Peace Officers.. All of this while their big bust was raiding a panty store for copyright infringement on the KC Royals logos. All of the signs that the NSA claim to watching for are right there on the Internet for all the world to see including , but not limited to Facebook itself, but even though Pedophile worshiping Muslims are proudly posting their hatred toward America nothing is being done to stop them BEFORE they begin chopping up Americans.. Instead Facebook is getting the info about Patriots, and threatening to kick them off.. while the NSA is sending the FBI out to question the Freedom Loving Americans for posting rants like this one... I stated this before, and will do it again now.. NOTE:.. TO NSA, AND THE OBAMA THOUGHT POLICE THAT MAY READ THIS AND CONSIDER TRYING TO ARREST ME FOR SIMPLY TELLING IT AS I SEE IT.. DONT LET ANYTHING BUT FEAR, AND COMMON SENSE GET IN YOUR WAY!! One more thing before I get started... This whole Lone Wolf term is a term used for one purpose, and that is to lead up to taking more rights away from the normal everyday American.. Mark my word. When they use that term they are trying to convince you that it is an Isolated individual because this gives them (in their Fd up way of thinking) reason to stomp on peoples individual rights instead of investigating Mosques they give themselves reason to watch YOU... The true problem is Islam itself.. As Ive stated before Islam is HATE, the Quran is the codis and Muslims are the facilitators. Easy to see why in 6 short years, so much hate has been introduced into American society on every level from the top Muslim in America. ISIS says theyll raise their flag over our White House.. too late Hussein has already done that. Do I blame the the Pedophile Worshiping Muslim Obama alone for this? No, I blame every filthy liberal, every complacent voter, every Utopian college kid and every fool that believes that this death cult means them and their children no harm, after all the obvious, bloody, horrific proof. When will Americans wake up?? When a Muslim tells you they want you dead-believe them, its the one and only truth youll ever get out of them. Its time to wake up people.. Mosques are the fermentation process where the cult of Islam grows and the number of mosques grows more every year. But rather than focus on where the cancer is growing, government security agencies are continually tying the hands of local law enforcement, while silencing Americans if they speak out against Islam.. NOT ON MY WATCH!! Listen up Democrats/Liberals/Progressives, and Marxists Put your blunts out.. Save your Crack-Pies for desert later and read this S--L--O--W--L--Y... Islam knows no political affiliation, cares not about your love of diversity or multiculturalism, they laugh at your Utopian beliefs that there are moderate Muslims and they will behead you and your children with joy. There is no moderate or extreme Islam, there is only Islam and those Muslims that you consider moderate will show their true bloody beliefs as soon as their numbers grow sufficiently and this administration disarms the only people left to defend you. Pretty telling when Democrats that are trying to get elected are acting as if they are republicans, and or trying to deny the fact that they have supported everything that is Obama, and Progressive. Must be annoying and irritating to Democrats/Liberals and Progressives that live in delusion.. its intentional and dangerous to us living in the real world. Most of them have removed action and logic and replaced with hope and feelings. In a perfect world We The People who love this land would turn the Arab Terrorists against the Mexican gang-bangers.. Stick them on an Island with those same Dems/Libs, and Progs and watch the entertainment unfold.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 21:14:46 +0000

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