An addict doesnt change unless THEY want to. No matter what you do - TopicsExpress


An addict doesnt change unless THEY want to. No matter what you do to try and sober them, you are wasting your time if they dont want to be sober. Everyone can agree to that, and agree easily. You can get wrapped up and obsessed with that addicts behavior and try to fix them. Yet, without a heart that is willing to change, YOU actually become an ENABLER when you get hooked into the cycle of addiction. Now, Im going to flip this and attempt to strike your thinking. The reason Im doing this is because many of you that read this are ENABLERS. HOW? The institutionalized church is sick. Its suffering from an addiction. Its addicted to power, prestige and position. Its opiate is money, and the love of it. This ICs victims are its church family. They have suffered from abuse of power, among many things. They have given and given in the hopes she will change but her whoredom with the world continues. They want to preach messages of change that fall on deaf ears. This IC addict does not want to change, yet if its family STILL keeps the IC as the center of their universe, it can continue its addictive behavior. The IC doesnt CARE that its family wants to change it. The reason it doesnt care is that it doesnt plan on changing. It will continue to preach tithing. It will continue to title pastors. It will continue to demand people submit to their pastors. The IC will simply throw out a bone every once in a while in order to pacify its family. It will embrace new terminology and new winds of doctrine AS LONG AS IT DOESNT HAVE TO LET GO OF ITS SACRED COWS! So, to you enablers who think you can remain IN the system to change the system, consider that the system has changed for NO ONE, it has merely evolved to deceive its membership. The basic ties to the world have NEVER been broken, and it never will IMHO. I say that because the foundation cannot be the bible or tithing or pastoral titles. People cannot be led by the bible, the pastor and the church, they should be led BY THE SPIRIT. In order for you, enabler, to be healthy, I simply suggest you sever your relationship with this unhealthy addict. I know that seems severe and you think youll die without your weekly fix. You may just fall apart without your potlucks and intercessory prayer meetings. You think if someone doesnt get you delivered every week you might be overtaken with demons! I assure you, you will not only live, you will get deprogrammed from your enabling mindset. You will stop being co-dependant on the IC and start understanding what Spirit led living really is. You will awaken to the fact that fellowship actually DOES occur outside of the Institutionalized Church. Lastly, when you understand that YOU are THE church, you will actually stop doing what man says you should, and start doing what Christ said: love God and love your neighbor! Be sober minded, be set free from enabling the IC addict, and live Christ! PK
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 22:26:55 +0000

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