An answer to you simple question @Lance Guma.The identification of - TopicsExpress


An answer to you simple question @Lance Guma.The identification of an interest group within the MDC is not a threat to its existence.Its an expression of a school of thought , this is common in political parties and is necessary for internal democracy. What is strange is for the party to come down hard on a group within the party on unproven allegations and using summary procedures that are not supported by the party laws.On what basis do you call us another party when we have not been secretive about our objective.If an infringement has occurred then the party is best served by following due process rather than knee jerk reactions.Its like the daily news or other paper waking up the next morning closed because it has insulted the president or its unpatriotic.The clause used by Mwonzora requires that the party writes to a member , giving reasons why they want to expel you. The party is then required to give you reasonable opportunity to respond in writing or in person.After that they can then vote.However the constitution has separate provisions for Standing Committee members.The reasons I get is that the grass roots does not care about procedures and principle all it cares about is what does Morgan think or put differently Morgan is always right (Animal Farm style). Are you sure comrades???If so then I may be terribly mistaken. I have my humble doubts though.I believe that the grassroots knows injustice when it sees it , it knows corruption when it sees it , it knows abuse when it sees it and I dare say it knows dictatorship when it is practised.On this one I am sorry for Morgan the buck will stop with him.The treatment that he gives us and the others that will follow -will be used to judge his reactions when he is under pressure.For once he is not the victim he is the power. No amount of scaremongering and hand wringing can turn a letter addressed to you as leader into a gun, sword, or some frightful ghost.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 08:10:29 +0000

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