An approach to planning of collaborative work in education This - TopicsExpress


An approach to planning of collaborative work in education This document tries to generate an approach to a methodologic theoretical conception of collaborative work in the schools, for it agrees to question itself: What is the collaborative work? How it operates the collaborative work? and How can be realized the collaborative work in the schools? The answer to these questions could start off of the perception that have many teachings of which the collaborative work, is a resource, a tool that can contribute to improve the dynamics of work in the schools, nevertheless, at certain moments it seemed not to exist clarity in the definitions of educative policies that needed this methodologic proposal organizational work, is mentioned to him habitually like an element of the Educative Management that jointly with the directive leadership, the scholastic autonomy, the social participation, the surrender of accounts and the associated work, they look for to impel the improvement of the educative quality in the educative systems. Then: What is the collaborative work? The concept of collaborative work it we can appreciate of inductive way when knowing the formal experiences of group work that occurred in Japan in the scope of the industrial production with the creation of concept of Quality control in 1949 and of the Circles of quality in 1962, devised by Kaoru Ishikawa, that makes a distinction between the western vision to obtain the total quality, centered in the exclusive participation of the experts and managers and the Japanese vision centered in the participation of all the divisions and all the employees, who must become jumbled in the study and the promotion of Total Quality control of their labor scope. From the Japanese conception on the creation of the quality circles, it turns out advisable to emphasize the expression All the employees whom evidently the idea of work in group, equipment implies and to future, the idea of a work of collaborative type. In the proposal of Ishikawa (1962) one denominates Circles of Quality control: To a small group that develops activities of quality control voluntarily, within a same Factory and this small group, it continuously takes to the end a self-development and a mutual development, a control and improvement of factory, using technical of quality control with participation of all. (P. 133) For the efficient operation of the circles of total quality control, excellent elements set out that will be gotten up to the processes of management which they will obvious favor the successful operation of the organizations and of the school like one of them, thus Ishikawa mentions: The self-development that talks about the autocapacitación activities or “to study by one same one”. Mutual development which Implies an interrelation between the workers who concur to a common place of work, this interrelation orients to the generation of learning and teachings between all the contenders. The participation of all which causes that the activity to realize by the labor groups is totally incluyente. The quality of participation of volunteer of the members of the circles of quality control, the voluntary participation, is complementary to the participation of all which the work of group makes incluyente, respecting the decision of each worker to get up itself to the group of voluntary way. The continuity or perseverance, Ishikawa affirms that the quality circles, are not for maintaining them some time and soon to leave them, is necessary to maintain them while exists a work place. Finally in the conformation of the circles of quality control, the importance of number of its components with the asseveration of which needs: “they do not have to pass of ten members when the number is too great, the participant elements suffer,” (Ishikawa, 1985, P. 139) aspect that is worthy to value itself by the scholastic managers when activities are organized of cuts collaborative.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 12:21:31 +0000

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