An appropriate response to Ms. Macks letter. (copied and pasted - TopicsExpress


An appropriate response to Ms. Macks letter. (copied and pasted from carsoncitypolitics) OCTOBER 31, 2014 MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WALL… by CC POLITICS This morning’s Nevada Appeal contained a letter to the editor from Doreen Mack. You’ll remember Doreen, she’s the voice behind the Downtown 20/20 Group and source of ideas for Supervisor Karen Abowd. In her letter, Mack says the Supervisor’s campaign “is one of the nastiest that I can recall in our town [sic] history.” She goes on to trot out her one trick pony, the downtown improvement plan and the now tired refrain of a “destination place.” Mack says “We need to support the existing Board of Supervisors!” most likely because if Abowd and John McKenna are voted out on November 4th, the $6.85 million dollar facelift combined with the $2.1 million dollar utility work for downtown will not have the support it once had. Mack’s letter perfectly illustrates Candidate Lisa Helget’s platform topic and the issue with which Appeal reporter John Barrette had so much trouble; this is “special interest” in its most obnoxious form. Since Mack began her crusade with Abowd carrying the flag, the Board has done little else. Countless City Staff personnel have devoted numerous hours to producing the “conceptual design” that at best can be described as biased. Helget is right to resist this effort in which Community Development Director Lee Plemel asserts that of the 90 comments received, 67 percent are “in favor of the plan.” There is NO discussion at all of dissenting perspectives in any of the City Staff documents though the comments are provided. If you’re suspicious of the 67 percent in favor statistic, you have a right to be. A few of the comments were submitted by the same individual and a few more bear the same hand writing. Coincidence or not, the vaudeville production on September 16th was designed and executed exactly as intended and the results predetermined. In the time following the “work shop” neither the City Staff nor the Board has made any effort to enhance public input, offer any design other than the one Abowd and crew decided on, or tested the traffic restriction as suggested in several comments and by this Cowardly Author more than once. No mention is made of the Appeal survey which now stands at 737 participants with 76 percent opposed to narrowing Carson Street. It is this disingenuous behavior, more than any other issue, which threatens to unseat Abowd and has polarized our City. If Mack is concerned that the campaign for Supervisor is “nasty,” she would do well to look in the mirror for the cause.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 20:37:42 +0000

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