An article about Valerie Jarretts role in the White House. Long - TopicsExpress


An article about Valerie Jarretts role in the White House. Long article, skip to the phrase boardroom liberal and read from there: Excellent analysis of the underlying philosophy of the Obama Adm. Jarrett is NOT to blame; its what they were socialized to become: top down leaders, elites of good intention working with elites of good intention. Their mistake is to exclude from their circles the very people that might support any show of political courage! Eminently decent and reasonable people such as Obama (and Jarrett) would have been effective problem-solvers within decent & reasonable economic & political systems, and could have served the common good if a decent & reasonable electorate actually desired the common good. They totally misread the times. The political system is terminally corrupt; the economic system is suicidally voracious; media and pundits are the mouthpiece of sociopathic plutocrats, solely intent upon heightening the irrational in lust for power and gold; and the world is burning with racial hate, religious fanaticism, and corporate piracy. And we face an impending existential climate crisis that will change....everything. Boardroom liberals wake up too late. But he needs our support, because Obama has awakened to the threat of climate chaos in the near future. He will be fought tooth and nail by those who dont care about their childrens future. We have to make him fight. ARTICLE QUOTES BELOW: The Obama era has been deeply disorienting for the left. Eight years ago, progressives would have delighted at the idea of a president who withdrew from Iraq, remade the rules for Wall Street, slowed the proliferation of greenhouse gases, brought the country within spitting distance of universal health care............And yet it’s hard to be a self-respecting progressive these days and not feel a frustration that borders on disillusionment. The victories have been muddled, the errors unforced, the ambitions preemptively scaled back................... How could these two legacies coexist in one presidency? They emanate from the worldview that Jarrett and Obama share—call it “boardroom liberalism.” It’s a worldview that’s steeped in social progressivism, in the values of tolerance and diversity. It takes as a given that government has a role to play in building infrastructure, regulating business, training workers, smoothing out the boom-bust cycles of the economy, providing for the poor and disadvantaged. But it is a view from on high—one that presumes a dominant role for large institutions like corporations and a wisdom on the part of elites. It believes that the world works best when these elites use their power magnanimously, not when they’re forced to share it................ He is a president profoundly uncomfortable with populist rhetoric. He prefers to negotiate behind closed doors, as he did on the stimulus, health care, and deficit reduction, rather than wage a state-by-state political campaign to force concessions................. His belief that he can win over opponents is unshaken. Unfortunately, these opponents include a party in the throes of radicalism and a self- interested class of ultra-rich that increasingly calls to mind plutocracy—not people whose better instincts you can appeal to. Obama and Jarrett should know this. Any time they have made preemptive concessions to the GOP or business leaders, their negotiating partners have simply pocketed the concessions and asked for more. From the budget battles to immigration reform, they have consistently overestimated the ability of Republican elites to reason with their rank and file....................... it’s no surprise that Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett would govern as reasonable people. It’s who they are. The tragedy is that we live in surpassingly unreasonable times.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 17:59:47 +0000

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