An atheists thoughts after reading 31 pages of the Book of Mormon, - TopicsExpress


An atheists thoughts after reading 31 pages of the Book of Mormon, as found on the blog Miss Mormon; To [Miss Mormon], I hope the following helps to keep you motivated and inspired. I hope it is confirmation that Mormon beliefs are justifiable, and deserve to be respected alongside other Christian denominations: I just read the first 31 pages of the Book of Mormon, and was entranced by 1 Nephi chapters 8 and 10. I feel as thought I could almost stop there, and come away with something. That something is this: The Book of Mormon should be read by all Christians. As an Atheist, thats not the effect I thought the book would have on me. Nevertheless, I can imagine the amount of push back Mormons have to face, trying to convince a Christian to read it. What a shame. Because it is the most clearly written Christian Biblical Document. If Christians would be willing to read the text, compare it to what they already believe, most would not only agree with it, but would find that it strengthens their faith even further. 1 Nephi 10 provides a greater and more straight forward message than Pauls letter to the Romans. And Romans is considered to be the definitive New Testament Epistle. The Reformation was based on Romans. But Nephi chapter 10 tops it. There are really only two hangups to widespread Christian acceptance of the Book of Mormon. The first, is the fact that, the Book of Mormon isnt already in the Bible. If the chapters of the book of Mormon were placed within the standard bible , and Christians just grew up knowing that 1 Nephi was found after Malachi and Jeremiah or Habakkuk...they would bite into it hook line and sinker. It would be accepted as biblical cannon. What could possibly make them object? The second hangup ins that the origin of the book of Mormon is still relatively new. But they confuse the translation of Joseph Smith in the 1800s with the 600 BC time frame of 1 Nephi. If Christians could accept 1 Nephi as 600 BC writing they would accept what it says. Can you imagine the level of excitement they would have if the dead sea scrolls contained excerpts from 1 Nephi? (ignoring the continental logistical problem). If the ancient text was carbon dated to 600 BC with the quote, six hundred years from the time that my father left Jerusalem, a prophet would the Lord God raise up among the Jew--even a Messiah...a Savior of the world... what christian would protest that? They would consider it the greatest confirmation of the actual existence of Christ! And as for the craziness of the Mormon origin story, is it no worse than any biblical story? Christians believe that God carved and wrote the ten commandments on stone tablets. But gold plates are somehow impossible? Christians believe that God sent Daniel and St. John visions. But Nephis father cant have visions? Saul a persecutor of Christians can play a surprise role in Gods message, but Joseph Smith cant? Christians see Christ as an all powerful Savior of the whole human race. But Jesus isnt allowed to VISIT the whole human race? I just dont see and of these Mormon things as being anymore preposterous than anything else that is already accepted by all Christians. Finally, it is massively ironic that, Christians reject Mormons in the same way Jews rejected Christians. Christians see Christianity as strengthening and clarifying the Jewish faith, but fail to even consider the strengthening and clarifying that Mormonism could do to their christian faith.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 06:30:22 +0000

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