An economic criminal per excellence, Mugo Kibati’s tenure at - TopicsExpress


An economic criminal per excellence, Mugo Kibati’s tenure at Vision 2030, already long overdue, came to a dramatic end last week and as was expected, a quick replacement which conforms with the ongoing tyrannisation of the country’s public service jobs was effected in the person of Wainaina Kirugo. Now, let’s be clear; Wainaina Kirugo may have been qualified; so may have been another thousand Kenyans out there. What is unfortunate, and glaring, is that an apparent pattern is being created. Kibati’s tenure at Vision 2030 was as less inspiring as his exit. He found a country hopeful on development and a public too willing to be taken for a ride. Vision 2030 was not just about infrastructure; yet today, any talk of this dead vision is pegged only on one stretch of a road connecting Nairobi City to Thika Town. Kibati lived outrageously lavish. He was among the hundreds of state parastatal heads with fat paycheck and excessive allowances. He guzzled in town with top of the range toys. In his financial merriment, he forgot that the Vision in his custody was to be shared by the shirtless Pokot boy as well as the little girl in Kuria almost being sold off to a life of penury in some old man’s home for a goat. Kibati arrived in the year 2030 a decade before due date. While he got to the Vision Board a thin man with no belly; Kibati of today is a fully fed man. At first glance, you may mistake him to an Mpig! Flabby chin, pot belly et al! He is a man who has crossed the Rubicon. A nexus of official duplicity and political mendacity insured him well. Even as he leaves the board, it is lost on many which vision is currently on the driving seat; whether the country is still implementing vision 2030 or a concoction of TNA and URP pre-campaign pledges. He will be forgotten quite fast; with his public service epitaph inscribed with the words: Here lies a man who did NOTHING to benefit humanity! At least, in this writer’s mind that is what registers. The writer is bitter with Kibati. You must have noticed that, right? The bitterness, however, stems from the fact that a transformational leader who was charged with midwifing a country from an pre-industrial state to a middle income economy vitiated his role, becoming another failed and sad statistic in an experiment which began so early in the day. Vision 2030, in its social pillar, was to transform Kenya from an ludicrously tribalistic society to one best on meritocracy and human intellect; however, even at the Board which Kibati held a stranglehold on; there mix was allegedly to be shocking!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 16:04:22 +0000

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