An edited version of Chapter 1 :) Please have a read. Not the - TopicsExpress


An edited version of Chapter 1 :) Please have a read. Not the final version but a much better version and easier on the eyes. Please share and leave comments. Suggestions would be good also if you have any. I will be more then happy to hear them. Thanks you. Chapter 1 Dark *BZZ BZZ BZZZ BZZZ* The alarm buzzing noise woke me up with a sudden fright, barely opening my eyes I look at the alarm clock. Seeing it`s not even 6am yet, I roll over onto my side; Closing my eyes as they feel heavy. Can hardly move as Im pinned down by my thick bed quilt, very comfortable, all tucked in; warm. Can hear the fizzing sound of the thunder and lightning. The relenting sound of the rain hits the pavement hard as it showers. Raindrops hitting the window making a loud ticking sound and feeling a slight breeze on my face as the window is slightly open. *BZZ BZZ BZZZ BZZZ* The alarm still going off. Only 6am. Still very early and the lack of sunlight darkens my room. Sleepily bashing the alarm button to silence it, unfolding the quilt over me and slowly getting up to sit upright. Very Cold, shivering as the room is chilled from having the open window. do I really want to go to work today? Surely I can call them and say that I am not feeling very well. But what if I loose my job over it. Is it worth it? I stand up all dazed and stumble across the room to close the window; A very old window and the green paint is peeling off it, Looks tacky. The glass seems to be very old and a crack going through one of the glass panels. Putting both hand on it, I push down. It doesnt seem to want to close as the wood has swollen due to it getting wet over time, have no choice but to leave it as it is. Biggest problem is that water is coming in. Looking outside and noticing how gloomy the day was going to be. The sky covered in thick dark clouds, the street lights still on. Not really a morning person, in fact I hate getting up early, especially when it is so cold in the room. Brr its blistering cold in ere I do not usually mind the rain and thunderstorms. But today was a day where I felt lonely.. depressed, desolate; having a high sense of negativity going through my mind. Thinking too much about how miserable my life was. Stumbling back across the room and sitting upright on my bed again. Now I`m deliberating, pondering.... Waking up every morning, no partner in my life, my child is not even close to me. The horror of my routine of going to work and getting back home to nothing. Went out last night, all alone as all my friends where busy. Definitely had too much to drink, feeling drained and having that hangover, sick feeling. My head is pounding, like I have been hit with a brick several times. Gazing over towards the alarm clock noticing it is still only 6.19am. My work Is only a 15 minute walk from my here and I always start at 9am so I still have plenty of time to play with. Sitting up right, with my back resting against the headboard, I reach over to the top drawer of my bedside cabinet. Pulling it open, grabbing a fresh packet of cigarettes. Nothing like a morning Cigarette to start the day; Sub consciously, I know they are bad for my heath but that does not stop me from Opening the packet, sliding a cigarette out. lighting it and smoking it, taking a deep breath of smoke, seems to be making things worse with the way I am feeling. I pop 2 headache tablets, open the half drunk bottle of water I had on the bedside cabinet, placing both tablets in my mouth and taking a drink to swallow the them. Again pondering about what the purpose of my life is, the nicotine rush not helping the way I feel, in fact it is making things much worse. Around 10 minutes go by.... I get out of bed, feeling quite dizzy and like I am going to black out, I sit back down on the side of the bed and relax for a while, shutting my eyes. A few minutes go by and I decide to start getting ready for work. Stumbling across the room, in just a T-shirt and underwear, pulling the wardrobe door open and taking the only suit out and placing it on my bed, pulling out a shirt and a tie. Grabbing some underwear in the process from the second drawer of my bedside cabinet. Then I walk out of the bedroom, across the hallway, pressing my hand against the wall and slowly walking into the bathroom. I pull the cord to get the lights going and start the shower to warm it up; sliding the shower curtain across so water does not flood the bathroom floor. Walking over to the sink and splashing my face with cold water, still feeling sick, I place both hands on each side of the sink to hold on and pull my head down for a while. Today is going to be a really bad day for me. Today feels different then usual. Why am I so down? I thought to myself. Pull yourself together Michael I said that out loud. Noone can hear me anyway. I need to get on with it and shower. Surely that would make me feel better I thought. I pull my t-shirt over my head and pull my boxers off, leaving them on the floor near the sink base, slowly pulling the shower curtain across, taking my time to get into the shower; noticing that I had only enough shower gel left for one shower. As I was standing in the bath, I just could not stop thinking about this woman that I had never met, waiting for me in the bedroom waiting for my attention, for me to kiss her slow and wake her up for breakfast. Anyone can dream. Im allowed to dream sometimes. Human nature after all. The human brain can work in the most mysterious ways. All these day dreams, passing time. Have to get out of the shower. Get dressed and make breakfast. It was already 7.39am and needed to get myself sorted and snap out of the way I was feeling. Grasping onto the towel hung on the rail, drying myself as quickly as possible. The slight breeze hitting my wet skin is cold. Giving me goosebumps all over. My whole body vibrates as Im shivering. Wrapping the towel around my waist and walking back into the bedroom; where I put my suit on, two pairs of socks and black shoes. The shower did not really help with the way I am feeling, but at least I am smelling really good. Spraying some aftershave before I head down the stairs. Rushing as time was ticking. I Opened the fridge realizing that I did not have much food in there, all I have is a pint of milk, 3 eggs, some ham, cheese and a sandwich I made yesterday for todays lunch. Had some bread also so I made myself eggs on toast for breakfast, sat down at the table and ate it. I have to admit, that breakfast did make me feel slightly better but I still felt weird. Like something was going to happen. Before I walked out of the front door I packed my lunch in the briefcase, sat down at the table and smoked one last cigarette. By the time I had done all this it was already 8.36am, which by that time, it was time to set off for work. Grabbing my keys, wallet, cigarettes, lighter and my brief case which contained the packed lunch, a drink and a couple of fresh packs of cigarettes; always kept spare packets, my work paperwork. I had to take an umbrella as it was still raining hard outside and did not want to get my suit wet. I shut the door behind me and started walking. No-one else seemed to be outside, just me and a couple of stray cats. Hiding under parked cars. As I was walking my surrounding area started to change, I looked back and everything was just black... no cars, no road, no doors, the sky was completely black as I looked up and back to my front.... Things changed very rapidly, it was not raining anymore; thus closing the umbrella. I could not hear anything, no sounds, as if I was in a black path, but in the distance a small light on the side. As I walked along; leaving the umbrella behind, the light kept getting bigger and bigger. Looked like a glowing door. The light was really bright and luminous. I was still quite far from it and at this point I was getting really scared. HELLO? HELLO? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? I shouted, but nothing. I have no choice but to walk to that door and investigate what is behind it. This is not normal I thought, Im going to be late for work. Why did I not just stay in bed? I said to myself softly. I felt so afraid but eager to know what was going on. I walked gradually cautious of my new unsettling surroundings. Instantly lighting up a cigarette to ease my nerves.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 11:12:17 +0000

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