An elder gentleman with a scruffy bear and long nails, sits at - TopicsExpress


An elder gentleman with a scruffy bear and long nails, sits at Starbucks everyday in his baseball cap, jacket, jeans and running shoes as he enjoys his venti pike room for cream sugar. Everyday he purchases the same coffee throughout the day and keeps us company with the smiles he puts on our faces. But everyday, he hears excuse me sir can i buy you a drink? Do you need me to buy you a drink? After each offer, I can feel his irritation and frustration with customers who offer to buy him a drink out of pity and assumption. This individual is very well capable of purchasing his own beverages, owns his own Starbucks card, and even offers to buy me drinks. Why do they pity? What on this mans body calls for pity and charity? Is it his unkept beard? Who knows, but he sure as hell doesnt need it. All he seeks is company. The twist, he accepts peoples offers at times to make them look like fools. Fools are they for assuming he needs their help. It is them who needs help in reconstructing their structure of homelessness and disability. Let us eliminate this social model of pity and prejudice, it does nothing but recycle oppressive behaviour and perceptions. Deconstruct social constructs.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 22:34:27 +0000

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