An email from someone at the European Unions Central Banker forum - TopicsExpress


An email from someone at the European Unions Central Banker forum in Davos follows, and a related article is attached. The Governmental Printing Junkies are getting nervous about the markets potentially stealing their stash of cash. What the Swiss have signaled to the other players around the EU poker table is the single biggest monetary event since the US stepped the globe off a metal backed monetary system and the creation of our Govts infamous Federal Reserve. Is bigger monetary and market turbulence 6 hours, 6 months or 6 years away?? Who knows? But free market forces are always ultimately in charge, no matter what our Political Inteligensia want to tell you; but as I have said before, I think we cld loose major altitude suddenly before 2020. Fail to grasp what is going on, to your own demise: Hi Ted, In Davos with XXX attending WEF. What a difference a year makes. Last year Jamie Diamond made fun of bitcoin. This year the session on bitcoin was standing room only, with about 95% of the audience there to understand what bitcoin is. So I have been spending a lot of time researching bitcoin again, big developments are multi-signature private keys and Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets, two very powerful features. There is some concern about the block size limiting btc to 7 transactions per second, but this is an artificial limit, and will be increased soon. The Davos elite were definitely caught off guard with the drop in oil and the swiss franc. They do not want to admit that fiat currencies are unstable. But most are in agreement that the Euro QE will not accomplish much, not by itself. They really need to make changes to their labor laws. .
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 03:45:26 +0000

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