An encounter with the spirit boy Mathew. From as early as i can - TopicsExpress


An encounter with the spirit boy Mathew. From as early as i can remember, i was acutely aware of spirit beings. I would beg them not to show themselves to me (laughing softly) I was terrified of seeing them. The house I was brought up in presented many occasions when i would know without a doubt, that i was surrounded by spirit. I was and am, extremely sensitive to spirit energy. This was very distressing for me as a child. I felt lonely and vulnerable. I would as a result of feeling that way, shut down my psychic-ness. I had to literally force it to shut down. It took a lot of mental will to do that. I couldnt walk down the street as a child otherwise, without picking up peoples thoughts and most of those thoughts were distressing to me. I didnt want to feel and hear the living ones fear, their loneliness, their anger. It was too much for me as a child. I cared too much and it made me feel helpless for them. So, many years on and through my own spiritual growth and understanding, i would re open that door. Spirits would be drawn to me like a moth to a flame. Some are content to just be with me. To pop in for a quick visit and theyre off again. Not sure where to. I never ask them. They just come and go and im ok with that. Others are seeking assistance and direction. I seem to attract ones that are lost and are not sure what it is theyre supposed to do, now that they are no longer in a physical body. It amazes me still, that a lot of them think that if they cross over, theyll be harshly judged for all their mistakes and misdeeds. On one occasion, the spirit in residence simply refused to leave. I cant do anything about that unless they are a threat to the living, and believe me, i have come up against some real dark and misguided ones. I cant force a spirit out unless they really are a threat to those living in that abode, in which case, i am not at all averse to calling them out. They dont scare me no more. I dont care who they are or what dimension they are from. I will stand up to them if i know the living are in danger. We had a young spirit boy called Mathew in residence with us in the home i grew up in. My brother Pete Nathan was the first one to see him at the age of 8 or 9. It freaked him out as he wasnt expecting it, but then again, who does expect to see a spirit boy as theyre taking the tray of tea back to the kitchen! Years later (2011) i would call to Mathew, aware that he hadnt moved on. That was one of the more deeply moving encounters ive had with spirit. This young lad had been attracted to the Peter Pan energy of my younger brother. Even though my bro Pete had grown up, moved away from home and had youngens of his own, Mathew was still around, waiting for his playmate to return. When I called him to me, he was very tentative. He came to the bedroom door and peered around the corner at me and would quickly retract again. Took me a while to talk him into approaching me. When he finally entered the room, he kept his distance but was none the less, standing in front of me in shades of gray. He reminded me of Huckleberry Finn without the straw hat. Lean, kind of gaunt, short hair, and even though he presented as transparent gray, i knew his hair was a sandy brown color. We talked and i told him i wouldnt try to make him doing anything he didnt want to. I just wanted to talk to him. I was very aware that he was not wanting to be moved on. So... we talked about my brother. I told him, he was all grown up now. This made Mathew a bit sad and confused. You see, in his eyes, no time had passed. I knew he really missed my brother but i had to let him know that time had passed and Pete was now a grown man, still with that Peter Pan energy, but a grown man none the less. We talked about how he was drawn to my brother and why. He had left his body at the age on 9. He was lonely and wanted a playmate. My brother was always on some wild and exciting adventure as a child growing up. Many a time, my sister and I would have to go right around the neighborhood door knocking, looking for him. Hed often be in someones kitchen having a good old chat with milk and cookies, and all this before he even reached school age :D It took quite a bit of gentle talking to Mathew, to bring him into real time and to persuade him that it would be so much more fun for him, to cross over, where hed have all the playmates he could ever want. For a moment, i saw a light in his eyes, but then sadness again as he thought about leaving his much loved playmate Pete behind. I told him he was welcome to visit us when ever he chose to. Minutes passed silently. He looked at me inquisitively. I knew he was asking me how do i leave? I told him i had Beings of Light standing at my right shoulder just behind me and that the moment he reached out his hand they would take his hand and guide him over. I knew that up to this point, he hadnt even been aware that they were there, but now that i had brought it to his attention, he could see them if he wanted to but he would have to not be afraid and be open to the idea of moving on. More minutes passed and many expressions swept over his translucent pale gray face. I was looking at him thinking, what a cute boy you are! Such a typical 9 year old looking boy. I asked him if he was ready. He was but he wasnt. I reminded him again that he could come back for a visit. I knew he was almost on the verge of consenting and so i asked him to reach out his hand.... Mathew, there are angels behind me. Do you see them? Theyre here to help you darlin. If you reach out to them with your hand, theyll take care of you, ok? Just reach out. No one here wants to harm you. Are you ready?. .... and Joy to the world, he reached his hand out and a golden arm materialized and took his hand. As they floated off into the yonder above me, Mathews color was beginning to change... to become brighter, until he was almost the same color as those whom he was walking/floating off with. Just before they were out of sight, Mathew turned, they stopped, he smiled at me and then blink, they were gone. I had tears streaming down my face. Tears of sadness for Mathew having waitedso long for my brother to return, and tears of joy for his crossing. A year or so later, my brother was back home after a long time away. I told him what had happened, explained what Mathew looked like, which he validated, told him the talk i had with him about why he was here and how hed been waiting for his mate to come back. All of a sudden, I felt Mathews presence. I reached out my hand to the space between my brother and i and sure enough... there was a gentle cool swirling air current between us. Mathew had come back to see his mate and also to say goodbye. Both my bro and I were in tears. Mathew... love you darlin. So glad youre happy where you are. Think of you now and then and always sending you love
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 22:38:35 +0000

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