An entire army may bomb and kill a few over months but a few - TopicsExpress


An entire army may bomb and kill a few over months but a few lunatics can kill hundreds in a few minutes...How do you fight a war with those who think that the path to God includes killing anyone including children and believe that death is victory. The narratives of believers vs infidels, good Muslims vs Kafir, Deen ko khatra and Namoos have engulfed the entire Pakistani nation. How is killing of a sitting governor, an Ahmedi or Shia doctor, a bonded Christian couple or the worshipers in a Hindu temple any different than anyone else killed in a similar manner by those who feel more righteous than whom they kill. Arent there people among all files of our society who identify with, sympethize with or justify the acts of some of these killers. Isnt there a Taliban hiding inside every bigot? and that is what sends shivers down my spine. My heart goes out to all the terrorized children, parents and citizens of the Peshawer massacre and my salute to the brave members of Pakistans security forces. May your sacrifice be an inspiration for the Pakistani nation to rise above all hatred and March towards making Pakistan a land with life, liberty and justice for all.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 14:02:39 +0000

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