An era has ended. Jinn, your sister Bali may have been the one - TopicsExpress


An era has ended. Jinn, your sister Bali may have been the one who turned me into a cat person, but you were the one who triggered our adventure with cats. Some bastard shot you through the head with a BB-gun when you were a kitten. We didnt know that at the time. We just thought you had one eye. Despite that, you were a friendly kitten -- more friendly to our dog, Curly, than to us. Ill never forget you and Bali running out from the shrubs to rub against Curlys legs and walk under his stomach. Poor dog never did figure out what to make of you two. We took pity on you, knowing that a one-eyed male would not fare well in the feral feline world, so we used a turkey roll to lure you and Bali into the house and shut the door. You both settled in and accepted us humans as well as the dog, becoming members of our household more than a year before our daughter was born. Bali was the smart (and devious) one. You seemed the village idiot, but you were oh, so lovable as such. You were just about the snuggliest cat Ive ever known, too, and not terribly picky about who you snuggled with. Last year, your sister died, but you plugged on, not slowing down for anything -- until recently. For a cat who has survived so much, you finally ran into something you could not beat -- pancreatic cancer. Its been sad watching as you could no longer muster the energy to claw up to the back of the love seat as I walked by, or to make your way upstairs to whine outside the bedroom door at 5 a.m. because you were hungry. (Yes, I was missing that.) Today, it was clear you had had enough. I made the call, took you to the vet, and held your head as I watched your eyes pass from seeing those of us in the room to seeing nothing. I think I had a glimpse of the moment where light, instead of going in to form an image, was just reflected back out. At least you were purring as we sent you on your way. Now youre no longer in pain. I wish I could say the same for us, but we have no regrets. Thank you for 16 amazing, if sometimes exasperating, years.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 19:38:29 +0000

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