An everyday tale of fibro folk... You go to the doctor at least 2 - TopicsExpress


An everyday tale of fibro folk... You go to the doctor at least 2 or 3 times a year complaining of chronic pain, stiffness and tiredness. They takes bloods and test for thyroid function and inflammatory arthritis which come back negative. Some readings are a bit off, but nothing definite so you are offered antidepressants, or a higher dosage, or a different type and told to take paracetamol and/or ibuprofen (neither of which make any difference to the pain). You start to have difficulty walking and development problems with hips/knees/ankles because you walk awkwardly. You struggle to lift pots, pans and kettles and drop things on a regular basis. You worry that you are getting Alzeimers because you forget words, what you were doing just now, where you put things. But you can count backwards in threes from 100 and know what day of the week it is when you see the GP so they say you are ok. Your boss and/or colleagues make remarks about how slow you are at some tasks even though you are doing a good job otherwise and you end up working extra hours for no extra pay because you feel guilty. Eventually, after years of this, you request, or beg, or plead for a referal to someone who might be able help. If you are really lucky you may get to see someone who recognises your problem and can make a diagnosis. You find out that there is no cure as such and treatment is a case of trial, error and hope for the best. But at least you now know that this is real and not a figment of you imagination. You are not crazy, you are not lazy, you have a real problem which is difficult but not impossible to live with. It wont kill you (but you sometimes wish it would). You find out that you are not alone. Welcome to our world! xxxxx
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 11:51:48 +0000

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