An ex-Muslim’s open letter to America on the dangers of Islam - TopicsExpress


An ex-Muslim’s open letter to America on the dangers of Islam needs to go VIRAL Terresa Monroe-Hamilton 12 Jan, 2015 by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton Print this article Font size -16+ 6388 42 3 Mark Christian, who was born in Egypt, devoutly followed in the footsteps of his father, an imam, in Islam. But as his life progressed, he found the religion of Allah left him wanting. Mark converted to Christianity and accepted Jesus Christ as his savior and has been spreading the gospel ever since along with a stark warning on the dangers of Islam. He states the obvious – that Islam is at war with the civilized world and we are war with the Religion of Peace. His letter should be a clarion call to the West and a call to arms for Christians. We are in a battle with an existential threat to the world and we must win to prevent a new dark age from descending. From Mad World News: The circumstances we face are dire and we have no coherent way of addressing it until we establish the stark, bright line between Muslims who are willing to respect the religious liberty of others (which must absolutely require the abandonment of vengeance over insults, perceived or real) and those who count us as so many cattle, ripe for slaughter and easily led. Our society can no longer afford to self-censor when it comes to the “hair trigger” that is Islam. Muslims of the former type I described above may be offended, and for this I am sympathetic; but Muslims of the latter type will become enraged and will reveal to all the depth of their incompatibility with civilized society. This is my aim: to force these Muslims to expose their unacceptable radicalism for all to see, but also to reach a self-realization of the depravity of that radicalism that exists within themselves. Being offended is uncomfortable for sure, but it is nothing compared to being hunted and subjugated, which is the lot our Christian brothers and sisters in Muslim-dominated lands endure, and as we saw in Paris; and increasingly in our own western democracies. The source of this is a foolish adherence to the idea of “multiculturalism,” enforced by a misguided political correctness. I believe you would heartily agree that there is no verbal insult, nor cartoon that would move you to murder. However, hundreds of millions of Muslims worldwide disagree. Part of the effort of the Global Faith Institute is to expose the reality of these twisted beliefs, not just among the jihadists (who we all know believe this) but more importantly, among the so-called “moderate” Muslims. The concept of killing over an insult is abhorrent, but is held to be acceptable by a majority of Muslims. Does this mean that a majority of Muslims would kill over a cartoon? Of course not. However it does mean that a majority of Muslims would NOT stop a fellow Muslim from doing so, and might even feel compelled to assist or support them either financially, or through their silence. This concept is the bridge from religion to savagery. If a Muslim accepts insult as justification for violence, then it becomes possible for them to move to the next stage – honor killings, murder of apostates and infidels, etc. Think of responding to insult with violence as the “gateway drug” to all the evils that animate Islam today. Break that link, and the rest will collapse for lack of support. We are at the point where the lack of a stark, bright line is enabling death. I must do all I can to draw that line, and force Muslims to choose which side of that line they prefer. This is an essential first step in exposing the radicalism that we both know festers beneath the surface of many Muslims; even some of whom we call friends. It is voices such as Mark’s that should show the politically correct Left the very real dangers we face from Muslims and the teachings of the Quran. Those such as Barack Obama (who is a master of Taqiyya) may profess that we are not at war with Islam, but Islam has been at war with everyone else on the planet that are not under their current domination for thousands of years. War, bloodshed and death do not bother the warriors of Allah – it inspires them. Christianity is the gospel of kindness and acceptance – Islam is the gospel of the sword and conquest. They are the antithesis of each other. Heed the words of those that have turned from the teachings of Allah to follow in the footsteps of Christ.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 21:36:22 +0000

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