An example of where my thoughts have gone since my sister passed - TopicsExpress


An example of where my thoughts have gone since my sister passed away: Im really not sure about the so-called Big Bang. Ive been thinking lately about existence itself, that is simply is. It always will be is. There always has been an is. Human beings, because we think of our lives in linear fashion, being born (beginning of life) and then one day dying (end of life) understand the universe in terms of the assumption that at one time there was not a universe. But the problem with that is that even if the universe had to begin at one point, it had to start within something else. There had to be space in which the universe could take form. So, even if we concede that a big bang gave spontaneous birth to the universe, that bang happened within another space, so there has always been an is in which anything could be created. Another problem that I seldom see tackled is the very nature of how life begets life. In other words, for a person to be born, a man and a woman have to get together and have a child. But, then the question of where the first one came from begs the question of the nature of our souls and consciousness. I come back to the story in Genesis of how God created Adam, gave him dominion over everything in Gods creation, and then created Eve from Adam. While my faith leads me to believe this is exactly where we came from, even scientific minds who dont acknowledge the existence of God must get that we must be more than cells and firing neurons because the laws of nature that we know dictate that parents have to beget children - and yet, we must wonder where the first people came from if not from an intelligent designer. Or, a consideration unexplored is that perhaps our linear perceptions of time lead us to believe that at one time there was no such thing as any living organism in the universe but that through some series of phenomena, life sprang spontaneously on a single planet in the entire universe, and somehow, suddenly, there were people running around and evolving. I come back to my initial statement. Is simply is. Our consciousnesses have always been and always will be. Our deaths in this life are not the end of our existences. Our consciousnesses existed before they were enjoined to these bodies, and they will exist after our bodies are gone. We are. I am. Yes. I am. In Hebrew, Yahweh. The name of God. Who was it who said, I think, therefore I am? I think that guy was more right than he knows. My very thought, every day is I am. I think it was my first conscious thought in childhood. I am. Every thought or concern I have about how Im going to make it through my day, my week, my month, my year revolves around this central declaration. I am... needing love. I am... sad. I am... happy. I am... in need of money to make the ends meet. Whatever. Whatever my thought, emotion, or concern. It always wraps around I am. Always. And that is our very existence. I am is eternal. Whatever state we take when were no longer in our bodies, we will be. I believe that my following a path of Christ, imperfect as I may be, will lead me to be in Heaven after this life. But, regardless, I am. Late night ramble that this is, I know that I am.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 05:41:20 +0000

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