An excerpt from my late night letter to Ash: Some idiots walked - TopicsExpress


An excerpt from my late night letter to Ash: Some idiots walked up to me and my dad and said their boat broke down, can we give them a ride to there truck up the river in Kingsland, for 50 bucks. My dad was like, I dont know, hang on, and went inside to ask my mom I guess. Left me out there with these two guys that looked like extras from Breaking Bad. My dad comes back out, and asks me if ill ride with him. I was like, uh, yea. So we go. It went fine, and my dad gave me the 50 bucks. On the way back my Mom called. I told her that these guys had led us off into some area we didnt know, and that we stopped at a liquor store and the two guys were inside. She freaked out. Yall need to just go. I am very uncomfortable with this. Tell your dad to go and drive away now! She about had a heart attack. Me and my dad were laughin. I told her it was a joke, she said she was gonna beat my head in when we got back. Good times. So we get back to the cabin, and walk in. Immediately my sister, her friend and friends husband, Levi, and my Mom look at me, and Sara says, So did you have to shank em? I said, I did, with my shiv. They went on to explain how they told my dad that he had to take me with him because I had experience with those types of people, and I had been to jail. Isnt that reassuring. At least I can be of some use to my family, as a convict. Black sheep??? I think not. How about youre damn guido that rides along with Idahoan methheads to make sure they dont leave your car on blocks? I potentially saved lives this weekend.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 07:27:40 +0000

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