An exhortation to the body of Christ: For those attacking, - TopicsExpress


An exhortation to the body of Christ: For those attacking, slandering, and lying about this end time ministry to the saints I offer this exhortation. In January of 1998, I was asked by our Sunday School Class to teach a three month course on the End Times. After two classes, everyone realized I was not teaching a pre, mid, or post tribulation timing of the resurrection of the elect at His coming. The warfare heated up after each class since I was teaching at an Assembly of God church (AOG) that only believes in pre trib! After completing 12 classes none of SS students believed in a pre-trib timing of the rapture anymore. All agreed the coming of the Son of Man with angels (Mat. 24:30-31) will take place after the sun moon and stars lose their light (Mat. 24:29, Isa. 13:9-11, Joel 2:30-31) after the opening of the 6th seal by our Jesus. (Rev. 6:12-17; 7:9-17) In October of 1998, the Holy Spirit challenged me to begin a full time ministry of warning and preparing believers to be overcomers in these last days. My focus for the past 17 years is simply: teaching the timing and eternal consequences of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Thes. 2:1, 1 Thes. 4:13-17, Mark 13:26-27) Of course, the AOG leadership would only allow their ministers to teach a pre trib timing of the rapture. In 1985, the Holy Spirit led me to leave my home in Santa Barbara, California and move to Springfield, Missouri to study at the Assembly of God Theological Seminary. During this time, I earned a Masters degree in Biblical Literature, became an ordained AOG minister, and made some great friends. It was all in God’s plan! From 1986 to 1998, God opened doors for me to pastor at three churches, be a discipleship director of a drug rehab called Teen Challenge, be a missionary to Russia, and a Bible college professor in Lithuania. It was the Holy Spirit that led me to the AOG, and it was the Spirit of Christ that led me to resign my credentials and begin a new direction in my life: defining the 2nd coming in the words of our Savior and Lord Jesus! From 1998-2014, I have written four books, taught hundreds of seminars, taught on TV and Radio shows, the timing and eternal consequences of His coming. Yet being faithful to this anointed ministry carries a painful price tag. I have had fellow pastors, teachers, even close friends not only sever our friendship, some have viciously attacked this teaching, my character, my motives, even my love for God and the body of Christ! I ask you, how evil is it to teach believers to watch for the future events our Jesus highlighted (Mat. 24:4-29, Rev. 6:1-17); events which will warn us His coming for His elect is near? (Mat. 24:33) Why does Satan hate this ministry so much? When a believer dares to study my book, Til Eternity: Facing the Consequences of the Second Coming, why do they receive such warfare from deceiving spirits? It’s like clockwork. The Devil cannot sit by and allow the words of Jesus concerning His 2nd coming to be taught by the Holy Spirit! Sadly, one of the main ways the enemy is deceiving believers is through the false teaching of many apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. After 17 years of teaching this critical truth, I never dreamed so many ministers, many born again, could so deceived by Satan. Just this week, some have accused me of teaching the same thing over and over again, like a broken record. “C’mon, Paul,” posed one minister, “your just majoring in the minors. Saints, the 2nd coming is not a minor issue! It doesn’t matter how many popular ministers, coming in Christ’s name, are blindly declaring this lie. (Mat. 24:4-5) The fact is; it is the Holy Spirit granting me tunnel vision on what to teach. So many in the world have never been taught the sobering reality the Beast must war against the saints before the resurrection of believers at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Mat. 24:15, 30-31, 2 Thes. 2:1-4, Rev. 13:3-7) Let’s be clear, no one teaches this timely revelation for money, power, or the approval of man! In the last few years, the Holy Spirit has added another focus to this specific ministry, Apologetics: the defense of the faith (doctrine of Christ)! Tragically, there are millions convinced they’re saved, yet are no longer abiding in the doctrine of Christ, neither having the Father nor His Son! (2 John 1:9) In conclusion, no doubt, the slander by Christians against this ministry has ruined my reputation, convinced many not to study my books, persuaded teaching cancellations, and swayed most I dearly loved to walk out of my life. Yet I have no regrets! Why? Jenny and I praise the Lord for the many believers around the world that have become Watchmen after studying Til Eternity and A Last Days Trilogy! Their leading from the Spirit of Christ, their love for the body, their passion for the truth, their zeal for the eternal prize, and their sacrifice under persecution from the enemy is worth it all. Only at the Judgment Seat of Christ will we see the fruit of such radical obedience. No, my friends, the 2nd coming is not a non-issue, it’s a critical truth within the doctrine of Christ! This post is not about me; it’s about those having ears to hear and eyes to see what our precious indwelling Holy Spirit is saying on this day, January 6th. 2015! Love ya all, Paul Bortolazzo
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 19:15:30 +0000

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