An eye for an eye, leaves the whole world blind I want to thank - TopicsExpress


An eye for an eye, leaves the whole world blind I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers over the last few days. It means a lot. My mother and I spoke to the owners of the dogs. They are an elderly couple who, like many other people in this and surrounding countys are uneducated on their spay / neuter options. They started with one dog and it just blew up. They did not know how to stop it. They soon became over whelmed with dogs and knew of no options to remedy the situation. I am still extremely angry and my heart is still broken. My heart wants revenge, justice and for someone or something to pay for the way Maxs life ended so violently. I want someone to pay for breaking my sons heart. He shouldnt have to mourn over his dogs death. Long story short, we spent some time with the dogs. They are all very sweet. This is not the wild pack that is running around. Although, one of these dogs was involved in the death of Max, the main culprit was the Hound that someone dumped. I assume he killed max because the female he was with was in heat. Ill never know why. Hes a hunting dog. He does not belong here. I have chosen not to act on anger. The decision wasnt an easy one. What good will come out of serving a warrant on an elderly couple? Theyll maybe pay a fine and the madness will continue. What will that change? Nothing. They wouldve learnt nothing but to shoot their dogs or to tie them to a tree. I would rather help educate them and maybe theyll will educate others. One by one we will rehome the dogs with the owners permission. They are Great Dane lab mixies. They are beautiful and sweet. There are also two litters of puppies. They asked to keep the black lab and asked for assistance in getting her spayed. When I met the dogs and petted them, my anger was no longer towards the dogs. It was towards the owners and the County I live in not caring about the situation that happens every day here. I felt pity and compassion. Its who i am inside. How I was created. I can not intentionally get revenge on an animal and sleep with myself at night. I cant intentionally have an animal pts that is not injured or a violent animal in normal circumstances. I try to help others with their animals every day of the week, Im sorry I didnt stop at their house and offer assistance sooner. There are several people who think this is my fault because I didnt get the dogs and rehome them months ago. That is theft. Im not a criminal, so that was not an option. I have asked for help rehoming the dog that killed Max. He looks like the TN mascot dog. No one would take him or help me. So, I did try. Ive tried for months now. Look through my timeline. I am not a miracle worker. I have a full time job, a family and I try to volunteer at Animal Control in Cleveland as much as I can. Stop blaming me. You live in this county too. You couldve done something as well. Polk county is a dumping ground for unwanted animals and it needs to stop. Mine and Logans hearts are no where near healed. This is all still very fresh. I miss having a buddy to smoke with me and drink my coffee on the porch with. I miss watching him and AnnaBelle wrestle. I miss watching Logan make a tent and hide under it as Max tried to bite his nose and ears. I miss throwing his toys across the yard and him sliding across the rocks to attack the toys like a wild animal. I miss him getting into the cat food and him running around the kitchen as to not get caught so he can just grab one more bite. I miss his kisses on my cheek when I make kissy noises at him. I miss him pooping on one specific spot in my moms porch just because he could. That always pissed her off. My family misses and loves him in general. Again, thank you everyone for your kindness. And congratulations if you made it to the bottom of this post. I know it was long...
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 02:34:22 +0000

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