(An hour ago) Oh boy I didnt see this question coming from my - TopicsExpress


(An hour ago) Oh boy I didnt see this question coming from my daughter (11 years old & 6th grade). I dont like this world. Rghhhhh but hey I am not surprise. I try to create an environment where they read, where they can learn how to think critically and become aware of the world around them. But Gee my princess . Ha ha. (Kaylah was going through channels looking for disney chanel but ending up.watching the news for a few ) Kaylah: Daddy, So Muslim people are bad? Daddy: no no no (back in my head. I hate this world/media). Muslims people are not bad people. They are a lot good muslim people. The news just show few bad guys who did really bad and now people died. We have to pray for their families and peace in the world. Kaylah: Yes we need peace. Because its wrong they just killed people like that. These terrorists. I have friends who from somalia and are Muslims in my class. They are nice and I ask them about their religion. Daddy: oh yeah. Nice. What kind of question? ( coming closer to sit next to her and change the channel) Kaylah: about their scarfs and they told me its traditions. They like it. Daddy : yeah and its a good tradition and they place high values into how they carry themselves. Because the word Islam mean submission so they like to give themselves to God and we all should because we are Gods children and we should give ourselves to him. Kaylah (focused and was paying attention): yeah thats truth. so Religion is good. Daddy: yeah. Yeah the word religion itself in reality mean relationship. Its all about reliationship with God. and remember what daddy always say. There is good and bad in everything. The media sometimes like to show the bads so dont really watch the news. And remember how I always say that there are different cars, different hospitals, different colors, ?...So its the same thing with people, cultures, they are different people who worship God differently and have a lot fun with it and thats why the girls in Somalia in your class wear scarfs and they have fun because they place high values in how they worship God. Kaylah (focused ): okay daddy. Thats truth. Thats why I like Church on sunday. But This world just make things complicated. Daddy (smiling): Yes I know Kay...but dont think about it. As long as you understand everything daddy say. Kaylah: yeah I understand Daddy. (Yawning & got up) ( I sat there and was sweating and really hope I met her at level. This is so tough having this kind convo. This is second ones. But hey. Thats the world we living. What a world. Why oh lord). Smh. .
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 02:39:33 +0000

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