An ignorant, intellectually lazy populace who actually BELIEVE - TopicsExpress


An ignorant, intellectually lazy populace who actually BELIEVE what the operators for the Liar in Chief claim, are killing us ALL: Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing, wrote John Stuart Mill. But sometimes good men speak up and evil prevails anyway. Thus is Drudge picking up this morning on the story of William Binney. If youve been paying attention (sure you have...ok, some of you actually have), you already know about Binneys chilling warning of a turnkey totalitarian state enabled by the NSAs massive new Utah Data Center. Mr. Binney was a code-breaker who went to work at NSA headquarters in Fort Meade, in Maryland, after the Sept. 11 attacks. He thought he was helping track down terrorists -- until he realized the data that was being taken in was all about CITIZENS of the United States citizens, he tells Baltimores WJZ-TV. Theyre destroying our democracy is what theyre doing. Apologists for NSA spying say Edward Snowden should have gone through channels to sound the alarm, instead of going to the media. Binney did exactly that. For his trouble, he was raided by the FBI in 2007. They pushed their way in with guns drawn and pushed my son out of the way and came upstairs and pointed guns at my wife and me. They took our computers and all the electronic equipment we had. But he faced no criminal charges; it was sheer harassment.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 22:28:07 +0000

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