An important message from my friend Carl Swensson... The media - TopicsExpress


An important message from my friend Carl Swensson... The media The City States of London, the Vatican and DC make up the NWO which isnt coming folks, its already here. Check out thge DC Nation State Flag. Three stars. Gee think you can figure out what they represent? Ever wonder why you so rarely here about the Mafia anymore? Thats right, they moved in and took over the government. Repugnicans and Dimicratts are birds of a feather, in case that escaped you as well. No, you dont have enough time left to vote new people in because, once again boys and girls, its not who votes that matters, its who counts the vote. The Mafia has everything incorporated and I promise you what they are stealing from you now makes the protection money racket they used to run, insignificant. The drug and guns market, the private domain of the CIA and alphabet agency gangs is now under the Mafia management and has been since before FDR. Not that any will know what to do with this but on the off chance some will recognize its importance and pass it along as I am doing now. I will continue to fight the local level criminals with or without help because Im totally convinced it is here that we have a chance to make a difference. I have just served the Henry County Commission Chairman, Tommy Smith, with and Affidavit of truth that includes charges of Treason, Sedition and Domestic Terrorism. Yes hes guilty as is every Commission Chairman serving on the Atlanta Regional Commission Board. If curious, catch up with me so youll understand, in the mean time, heres the next latest and greatest truth packed warning video. Professionally done youre sure to be entertained. Not that it matters but this isnt something Id want the kids to see. This group should be different and WILL know what to do with this video. Just pass it along as I am doing now. https://youtube/watch?x-yt-ts=1421914688&x-yt-cl=84503534&v=qdTgtM3J8uU&feature=player_detailpage&list=PLcJeJ_7QuczKbsKzv0dSW-L3QjHY9-rkz
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 07:21:17 +0000

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