An in-depth interview with Moulavi Abdul Kareem, the Jihadi - TopicsExpress


An in-depth interview with Moulavi Abdul Kareem, the Jihadi in-charge of Paktia province...Created: 08/18/ After the American abscondence from Paktia province, the writ of the Islamic Emirate has been restored and fortified in several areas. Paktia province is situated in the south-east of Afghanistan. Its four boundaries are as following: Ghazni province in the west, Paktika and Khost provinces in the south, Tribal area of Kuram Agency of Pakistan in the east and Logar province in the north. The covered area of this province is 6432 km2 and its population is approximately 500,000 people. Gardez city is the capital of this province and its districts are Said-Karam, Ahmad-Abad, Jani-Khail, Zurmat, Arma, Ahmad-Khail, Lajja-Mangal, Shwak, Garda-Tseri, Jaji-Aryub, Tsamkani, and Dand-o-Pathan. Paktia province is mostly a mountainous region. Its previous name was Greater Paktia but later on Paktika and Khost provinces were separated from it. Only two districts of this province, namely Said-Karam and Zurmat, are plain areas and all the remaining districts are mountainous regions. These mountains are mostly covered with thick jungles. Paktia province was a stronghold of Mujahidin during the anti-Russian Jihad period and Mujahidin had insurmountable positions in these mountains. Mujahidin of this province have performed a substantial and vital role in the ongoing anti-American Jihad as well. Armed resistance or Jihad is incessantly going on with full intensity in this province from the very first day of the malicious alien invasion. Moulavi Abdul Kareem, a well trained Mujahid and the residence of Said-Abad district of Maidan Wardak province, has been performing his duty as the Jihadi in-charge of this province for the last two years. He has recently returned from the Jihadi strongholds of Paktia province and we have conducted a detailed interview with him about the Jihadi situation of this province. Here we would like to draw your kind attention towards it. Question: First of all we would like to welcome you. You have recently returned from Jihadi front lines and have practically served there from very close quarters. In the beginning, if you could share with us what you have witnessed there with your own eyes! Answer: الحمد لله رب العلمین والصلوة والسلام علی سیدالمرسلین وعلی آله واصحابه اجمعین First of all, I would like to thank you. About the Jihadi situation inside Paktia province, I would like to say that as far as I visited various districts and Jihadi front lines of this province, stayed with Mujahidin in their strongholds, saw the civilian people and closely observed the situation of the enemy, I reached to the conclusion that by the grace of Allah Almighty, the Jihadi environment was encouraging and gainful for Mujahidin as compared to all the previous years. Civilian as well as Military activities of Mujahidin were well organized. Mujahidin were found in large numbers. With the exception of district centers, all the suburban areas of Paktia province have been liberated and now they are under the control of Mujahidin. One district of this province named ‘Aram’ has been completely conquered and not even a single enemy soldier is found there. Most areas of all other districts including the provincial capital city of Gardez are under the control of Mujahidin. For example, if we look at the western areas of Paktia province, the enemy has built up security check-posts on the main road stretched from Gardez to Sharana city (the capital of Paktika province) and only controls this road for the transportation purpose of his own logistics. All the remaining areas are fully under the control of Mujahidin. Another point worth mentioning is that the enemy has completely lost its morale. In the past, they used to search for the elimination of Mujahidin, but now we see that they are totally in defensive positive and their utmost effort is how to safeguard themselves. They have completely lost their offensive stamina. By the grace of Allah Almighty, the overall Jihadi situation was quite convivial. Mujahidin were facing no hindrance and were broadly supported by the civilian population. Question: In the recent past, the foreign invaders are on the run from various parts of Afghanistan; if you could tell us, from how many areas of Paktia province, the alien forces have absconded? Answer: The American invaders have fled from several areas of this province. ‘Zurmat’ district is one of these areas. Here, they had several military bases in the past but now only one base is left there; all other bases have been evacuated. In the eastern parts of this province namely Tsamkany, Dand-o-Pathan and Jaji districts, they are left with only one base of Shahr-e-Naw. In between Gardez and Khost (i.e. K-G pass) inside the areas of Jadran tribe, they had several military bases in the past, but today all of them are empty and the alien intruders have escaped from all of them. Mujahidin have strengthened their grip over all these areas after the American abscondence. Two main highways of Paktia province i.e. ‘Gardez-Ghazni’ and ‘Gardez-Tsamkani’ have been closed for the enemy. These highways are now fully controlled by Mujahidin. Similarly, Mujahidin are in a position to carry out search operations on all other main roads, can chase the enemy’s personnel and can block their transportations. Question: Every time in spring season, the enemy tries to carry out some operations to demonstrate its military power. How do you evaluate the current situation of operations, raids and military attacks of the enemy inside Paktia province? Answer: As I said earlier that the enemy has lost its morale and consequently the stamina of operations. The aerial raids and night operations which used to be the main cause of Mujahidin’s martyrdom, have totally ceased now. The enemy is trying to target Mujahidin only through their drone attacks. Since Mujahidin have become quite experienced and vigilant therefore these operations are too not effective anymore. As far as their military operations are concerned, the enemy has not carried out any considerable military operations this year. Approximately two months ago, they announced a 3-days military operation in ‘Zurmat’ district of Paktia province. I was present there during these operations. When the enemy’s tanks entered the area under the control of Mujahidin in ‘Sahak’ region, instead of making any advancement, they were confronted by 7 huge blasts from noon till evening. They suffered heavy losses and their progress was halted. In the days that followed, the enemy could only manage to escape from the region and shift their casualties. Similarly, inside ‘Saro-Khail’ area of ‘Waza-Jadran’ district, the internal security forces had a mind to carry out military operations and built up a military base there. They entered the region with great pump and show, but they are besieged inside their stations and made no substantial progress. Question: What is your perception about the daily operations and casualties of the enemy i.e. whether their level has increased or decreased as compared to the past? Similarly, if you could provide us information about Mujahidin’s casualties as well! Answer: The level of day-to-day operations has escalated than ever before and the enemy’s morale has dropped to the lowest, to the extent that he cannot carry out ground operations any more. The level of everyday assaults (of Mujahidin) has augmented as compared to ever; nevertheless, the amount of foreign invaders’ casualties might have decreased as most of them have already absconded and the remaining ones are confined to their bases only. They cannot dare to come out of their shelters. As far as Mujahidin’s casualties are concerned, I would like to say that they were next to naught as compared to the past, because most of the effective assaults of the enemy, which used to inflict heavy losses over Mujahidin, were in the form of night raids; but with the American abscondence, these raids have also been terminated. Question: When an area is evacuated by the American invaders, they mostly rely upon the Arbakis or local police force and they have withdrawn from some areas only after they have built up these armed militias. Have they executed any such program inside Paktia province and have set up Arbakis militia force? Answer: The Americans have tried their level best in the past few years to form Arbakis militia inside Paktia province but they could not succeed in their malicious plan because it was strongly rejected by the people. As the American forces were completely on the run in the recent past and Mujahidin had reduced their operations in the last autumn and winter seasons due to the prevailing weather conditions, the foreigners launched another futile effort to set up Arbaki militia, but despite all their conspiracies, they could not succeed in most parts of Paktia province to find and recruit someone as Arbakis. Only in ‘Jani-Khail’, ‘Jaji’ and ‘Tsamkani’ districts, they succeeded in the formation of a very limited number of Arbakis. These Arbakis were formed inside three villages situated in the suburbs of the centre of ‘Jani-Khail’ district; but by the grace of Allah Almighty, with the arrival of spring season and due to the sincere and astute efforts of the ‘Invitation and Guidance Commission’ of the Islamic Emirate, the Arbakis recruited by them in ‘Jani-Khail’ and ‘Jaji’ districts have laid down their arms after realizing the pros and cons of this spiteful plan. Inside ‘Jani-Khail’ district, the Arbakis force of two villages handed over their arms to Mujahidin and renounced their previous deeds. The Arbakis of one remaining village are in contact with us and Insha-Allah (God willing) they will give up opposition in the near future as well. Inside ‘Jaji’ district, tens of Arbakis have surrendered to Mujahidin and this process is incessant. On the daily basis, a large number of those people who are armed by the America invaders submit their arms to Mujahidin. At the time being, Arbakis are found only in ‘Shahr-e-Naw’ area of ‘Tsamkani’ district of this province; but they have not remained unaffected by the submission process of ‘Jani-Khail’ and ‘Jaji’ districts and we are optimistic that by the blessings of Allah Almighty, the obstacle left over will be eliminated in the shortest possible time. Let me enunciate that with the support of Allah Almighty, this spiteful process of the enemy inside Paktia province has completely been demolished and Mujahidin have managed to knock down an extended plan of the enemy through their ‘Invitation and Guidance’ program. Question: If you could provide us information about the public relations of Mujahidin i.e. whether the common masses are happy with Mujahidin or not? Answer: Mujahidin of the Islamic Emirate are not only engaged in military activities; they have served in the fields of judiciary, education and reformation as well. When the people reflect on the transparent and altruistic services of Mujahidin as compared to the fully corrupt and cruel system of the government, they are delighted and feel proud of it. If we mull over the learning process in Paktia province, educational institutions are found both inside the government held areas as well as inside the areas controlled by Mujahidin; but the educational system of Mujahidin administered areas is far more better than that found inside the government controlled areas; because the employees of the educational department are as willful as the employees of all other departments of the government are. There is no control or investigation whether the teachers or the students attend the school or not; but Mujahidin have kept their institutions under their special observation and surveillance through the ‘Directorate for Education’ considering it one of their topmost responsibilities. The attendance of both the teachers and the students is followed on the daily basis and all rules and regulations of ‘Educational Directorate’ are implemented accordingly. The government officials have, therefore, now acknowledged that the educational system prevailing inside Mujahidin administered areas is quite successful. Likewise, on the judiciary side, Mujahidin have civilian setups and courts on all districts level and the masses are quite pleased and contented with their pronouncements; because on the contrary, the Karzai admin has won the highest position in corruption and does not enjoy the trust of even a single Afghan. Question: At the end of the session, if you have any message for the people of Paktia or Afghanistan, we can convey it through our publication! Answer: My message for the Muslim masses of Afghanistan is that, You will keep your Jihadi spirit and determination as unyielding as you have not lost your enthusiasm and steadfastness against the foreign spiteful invasion for the last twelve years. You will remain Mujahidin (the defender and emancipator of your creed and country) as you have been in the past. Our people should remain cautious and conscious that the Americans are very devious and ruthless enemies. As they have been badly defeated inside Afghanistan, they will indubitably try their best to avenge the Afghans by implementing their malevolent conspiracies. Our people should remain fully awake and should neither allow the implementation of the aspirations of the foreign invaders nor their indigenous stooges. May Allah protect us from all transgressors and keep us steadfast on the path of the righteous people!! Aameen!! Created: 08/18/
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 06:08:10 +0000

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