An incredible case - newspaper article in Femeia magazine about - TopicsExpress


An incredible case - newspaper article in Femeia magazine about ZINAIDA and her healing powers. All article here This is the case of Ana-Maria Stefan, who lives in Bucharest, a beautiful blonde girl with big green eyes, nine years old. After a terrible car accident suffered a year and a half ago, she received a heart breaking diagnostic: rupture of the spleen, lungs full of blood, column fracture T7-T8 and femur fracture. Later, after months of hospitalization and many extremely difficult and risky operations, she received the final diagnostic: it was finally flaccid paraplegia on the lower section, column vertebra T7-T8.” That means Ana remained paralysed from the breast down ... That was until her mother, Liliana Stefan has heard about Zinaida Stoenescu. After only ten sessions of bioenergotherapy, her daughter’s stomach swollen down - her stomach looked like the stomach of seven months pregnant woman because the child could not urinate or defecate. Her back went straight, she could move her knee and she managed to move her knees using the espalier. These things were unimaginable even for the most optimistic people. We will let Liliana Stefan herself to tell us her story, so hard to imagine and to endure for all of us, giving strength and hope to every suffering person. In August two years will have passed since the terrible car accident that I suffered when we were on holiday in Baile Herculane. We have been visiting the town, together with Anuta and with my husband, when our car since Mehadia in town, our car hit a road pole. All three of us were very seriously injured-I had a severe craniocerebral trauma and I was unconscious for an hour and a half. My husband is now under strict supervision in a clinic in Germany and Anuta lost then a half liter of blood. Because of the difficulty of the case, from the hospital in Orsova where we arrived, we were to the County Hospital in Drobeta Turnu Severin, where an exceptional team of doctors did everything to save Ana from death: they had her spleen removed, they stopped her bleeding and only after two hours she had a pleuroscopy analysis. Two drains were necessary to remove the blood from the lungs. They stabilized her, but she couldn’t be moved at all. That is why the consul of Cyprus in Mr. Loizos A. Karageorges, my employer, rent and sent a medical equipped helicopter to take her to Bucharest. She was admitted to Balthazar Hospital, where doctors have struggled for months with her urinary and pulmonary infections; because of her paralysis, just a quarter of her lung was working, not both her lungs, blood and mucus gathered, so that Anuta had to endure three bronchoscopy analyses, without anaesthesia. She never complained she has a unimaginable inner force; she endured everything, thinking that one day she will be healthy. During this time, I turned to the most famous people in neurosurgery to operate her on the spinal column, but no one has taken the responsibility because Anuta developed repeated infections and she was very young. She was only seven years old ... The consul of Cyprus contacted the Neurosurgery clinic in Munich, but my daughter wasn’t in the state of being transported. They told us that in Romania you can find very good doctors neurosurgeons, but they don’t have the necessary equipment. God wanted me to get to Dr. Gheorghe Burnei from ChildrenHospital “Marie Curie”, who told me “I will use all my knowledge to help your daughter, but Im not God.” He took the risk and he operated my daughter, when Mr. Karageorges bought from Siemens, with his own money, the last type of fixing kit, from Germany. This kit was 20,000 euros. Three months I stayed with Anuta in the hospital and I took care of her 24 hours of 24, helping the doctors, the nurses and the staff who loved her deeply. I will remember Director-Professor Pesamosca and even the concierge. Moreover, besides the fact that my boss helped me financially all this time, he used to send daily at the hospital everything we needed. I have no words to thank this wonderful man and all those who gave Anuta the chance to live. I learned to help her by any means,, I learned medical terms, I helped Anuta to change her medical probe, I give her twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, electro-stimulation sessions to avoid skin irritation and abrasions. After that the reflexotherapist comes. Its awfully hard and it is painful, especially when it becomes a way of life ... In paraplegia because of the inability to move, abrasions occur often and these can lead to severe infections and septicaemia, but she didn’t develop any of those. Together with my parents, who watch her over the day,, we took care of Anuta. We gave her medicines to prevent the osteoporosis which occurs and bone demineralization. Doctors have said to us many times, full on enthusiasm: This kind of team, formed by daughter, mother and grandmother, we have not seen before! We both do the lessons together with Ana, because she is already in the third class at the elementary school no. 113 near Big Berceni. School teacher and her English professor come to our house and they teach Anuta. She took first prize, she learns so well and her colleagues visit her all the time. So do the doctors who took care of her, her friends and the neighbours. Grandfather makes her toys, he is playing cards and rummy together with her and he creates so many games for her. God was the one who guided us to Zinaida Stoenescu. From the first moment Anuta saw her, Ana’s face lightened and she entrusted Zinaida. Ana feels who loves her, who gives her affection and confidence, she doesn’t believe in making a compromise. Almost immediately, the results were amazing for us and believe me I don’t exaggerate. We have been through so many things and I appreciate the value of truth! Her abdomen has returned to the normal size, her spine perked up visibly, she moved her knee cap and she started to have a vague control in urination. Her evolution and each small step she was making were victories in her fight with her destiny. Every bio-energy session meant a lot for us. Even for the doctors who take care of her, like Dr. Onaca from the Emergency Hospital, my daughter’s evolution was unimaginable. The connection between the two of us is hard to describe, she cannot imagine her life without me and neither can I. When I am at home, and she does everything possible to stay with me and to watch me. Anuta is my gift from God and I know that one day she will be cured. When she will get better, only God knows and He lets it happen but we know that Mrs. Zina is now part of our life!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 08:01:49 +0000

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