An interesting attempt to do the fitnessblender Insane HIIT Body - TopicsExpress


An interesting attempt to do the fitnessblender Insane HIIT Body Weight Challenge There is a routine I had been wanting to do for a couple of months. It’s from the informative website fitnessblender. The routine, Insane HIIT Challenge (Body Weight Only), is made up of 14 movements that you do three times for 20 seconds each with a 10 second break. They give it a difficulty rating of 5/5 and for good reason. There is also a rule-of-thumb about running and working out that I have found to be true (as recently as today). If you have a workout/run or two that feels sluggish, that’s normal and happens periodically. However, if it turns into a string of three or four sluggish performances, it’s time to listen to your body. Prior to starting, I took a peek at my daily log, I noted today would mark day four out of five that I would be working my legs and core, but I decided to go for it anyway. I also noted that the past couple of workouts were sluggish (as I mention in recent videos). This workout proved to be tough. My form fell off pretty quickly and I left two movements out at the end. In the middle of the workout with form failing, I noticed I was jarring my back. I slowed down and paid attention to this as soon as I felt it. Physical discomfort from stretching one’s limits is good, but not to the point of injury—please listen to your body. I ended the workout feeling sloppy with very weary leg muscles and a little soreness in the lower back, but otherwise I came out okay. I burned some serious calories and felt like I had pushed as hard as I could on this day. Mentally, I took a few moments to recalibrate so that the sloppy performance would not have a long-term impact on my psyche (I have to do that from time to time). So I will listen to my body and focus on upper body and light running for a couple of days, and I’ll even throw in a rest day for balance. Now on to the reason for posting this less-than-stellar video. I decided to post this video to show that you don’t have to be perfect. You can try things. You will make mistakes. You will learn. I’ve been enjoying this “learning” process for about 17 months now, and as long as I am smart enough to avoid injury, it’s all good. As a side note, I was not smart enough last Fall to avoid injury (an injury which sidelined me from running for about 10 weeks—not cool, not fun, and completely avoidable). I want to encourage you that it is okay to make mistakes, look awkward, mess up, and still be ahead of where you would be had you sat on the couch. And who really cares how we look doing some of this stuff? Did we care how we looked when we were trying new things outside when we were eight years old? Not one bit. We were enjoying moving, living, breathing, and exploring! Enjoy the process of experimenting and learning—just not to the point of injury. Information about the workout: fitnessblender – Insane HIIT Challenge – Bodyweight Only – 20 Seconds Active, 10 Seconds Rest; 3 Sets each - High Knees - Jackknife Get Ups - Star Jumps - Side Plank Kicks (Left) - Thigh Slap Jumps - Side Plank Kicks (Right) ----- Water Break ----- - Burpees - Kick Throughs - Jump Squats - Mt. Climbers - Jumping Lunges - Walk Down Push Ups - Lizard Hops (didn’t do) - Hop Squats (didn’t do)
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 23:01:26 +0000

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