An interesting perspective on the Ukraine / Crimea / Russia - TopicsExpress


An interesting perspective on the Ukraine / Crimea / Russia situation: I kept reading how Crimeans are mostly ethnic Russians and they were welcoming the Russian I was like sure, let them have a referendum if they want to join Russia. Yet, I learned recently that actually even if they vote to separate, under the Ukrainian constitution they cannot just vote without full referendum of Ukrainians. Its akin to Texas voting to separate out of America and going back to Mexico since they were originally part of Mexico. Also, Putin is banking on people to be confused to the fact that Crimea is part of Ukraine and just because the people are Russians, Putin cant just annex Crimea because hes protecting Russians. That would be similar to Scotland being invaded by Britain since theyre technically ethnically the same. The other part is that I fell for the trap of confusing ethnicity with political ties. Just because someone is ethnically something, does not mean that politically they are. So, in effect, just because there are many Russians does not mean that politically they are; politically, they are part of Ukraine and were that way since Kruschev gave up Crimea to Ukraine in 1954 as a gift to his homeland. Also the votes that happened today to secede from ukraine were done at gunpoint. On february 28, the Crimean Parliament was captured by gunmen at night. Then in a few hours they voted old Crimean prime minister out and current guy as a new one. His name is Aksenyov, he got only 4% vote on previous parliamentary elections. After that, the Russians came in and took over the region. With this happening the whole secession seems way too staged and organized in the direction of Putin so that Crimea will want to secede. I agree, though, if they have a whole Ukrainiain government referendum on secession of Crimea thats how it should be done. Thats why the current Kiev government cannot recognize the vote to secede from Ukraine. Plus, lets say Crimea does get annexed to Russia..whos to say Russians dont go and send more of their troops to other parts of Ukraine? Its scary to think how in a way Putin strong arms Ukraine and no one can stop him since he will just send in troops to threaten people at gunpoint. But if legally Crimea does secede like its supposed to be done, then yea, nothing no one can do about it...but it doesnt seem like Ukraine will allow that at all as of right now. ~ Slavic Klyonov -
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 09:49:30 +0000

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