An official US Army document, HR 3-39.40, that lays out FEMA - TopicsExpress


An official US Army document, HR 3-39.40, that lays out FEMA "internment/resettlement camp" operations. while the main purpose of these camps is for "dislocated persons", it outlines how officers will develop programs to “idenitify" and "indoctrinate” “political activists” incarcerated in detention camps into developing an “understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions.” The document also explains how “reeducating the I/R facility population or setting the stage for acceptance of future operations,” is the responsibility of ‘PSYOP’ personnel within the camp. It lists among other reasons for being displaced as "removed from a place of residence by military direction for reasons of personal security or the requirements of the military situation." It also speaks of forced labor, shows camp layout featuring gratuitous amounts of barbed wire fencing, guard towers, mortuaries, etc. it states that lethal force is an acceptable method of halting escape attempts, meaning that this isnt a shelter type situation, it is imprisonment. It lists employing the use of snipers using lethal force to stop dissent. combine this with project main core (an intelligence operation to watch 8 million plus american citizens based on their political views and list them as possible domestic terrorist threats based on possible dissent), the National Defense Authorization Act (which allows the federal government to indefinitely imprison or kill US citizens without trial as well as strip a person of citizenship), the recent DHS purchase of insane amounts of ammo, etc. I want to make it very clear, this is something that is official, it has been commented on by military officials saying it was not meant to be seen by the public eye and that any further inquiries will need a freedom of information act filing. Our troops are not being used for the good of the people or our country in general. "just following orders" is not an acceptable reasoning for any member of the armed forces to enforce this kind of guideline. Our recent wars are not over terrorism, governments and chains of commands are the terrorists, and they do so in the name of corporate profit. Part of our "restructuring" of toppled governments is, without exception, the establishment of a central bank under the same system, leadership and ownership of the federal reserve bank. As a nation this is one of our biggest economic problems and our military forces are being used as the catalyst to spread this infection to others before it kills us. To those who say war is profitable, I agree, just look at the fattening wallets of companies and people that were already rich, yet dont pay taxes. To our troops: do not be the fist of the oppressor. I hope you can wake up to this. Many of you already know much of this and yet still follow orders, i hope your morality overtakes your fear. i hope your loyalty to the people overtakes your loyalty to your paycheck. Same to all the policemen that have been handed down new training and the ridiculous list of things that make an everyday american a potential terrorist (ie. reading books like 1984, and publicly supporting freedom of speech or the right to bare arms) from homeland security. Again, do not be the fist of the oppressor... here or abroad. if you wish to fight for your country and people, the time is rapidly approaching to think about standing on the side of your people, not against some foreign power or hidden threat, but against the corrupt leadership that orders far reaching death for the purpose of profit.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 10:19:17 +0000

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