An old chinese saying goes, In heaven there is paradise, on earth - TopicsExpress


An old chinese saying goes, In heaven there is paradise, on earth theres Hangzhou. When Marco Polo visited China in the thirteenth century, he remarked Hangzhou as the most beautiful city hed ever seen. This place is described as an earthly paradise where one needs to do nothing but to take a walk in the scenic village path and listen to the moving love stories beside the West Lake (Xihu), a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Apart from going to Hangzhous scenic West Lake, taking beautiful walks at the roads along the West Lake, and trying out Hangzhou delicacies, another must-do things in Hangzhou is to watch the hugely popular Impression of West Lake show staged entirely upon the lake itself & directed by Zhang Yimou who developed the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. I had seen pictures of it but it was nothing compared to the real sight. The lake itself was huge, and you could see layers and layers of mountains surrounding it. It was truly breathtaking. We really enjoyed our brief trip here very much and will definitely return some day if I get a chance.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 07:15:05 +0000

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