An online CNN poll taken from October 26-October 28 with 1,018 - TopicsExpress


An online CNN poll taken from October 26-October 28 with 1,018 likely voters revealed that 68% of those polled are either angry or VERY angry with the way the country is going. A commentator revealed that a poll taken about this time in 2010 demonstrated the same fury. Exactly one week later in that previous polling, Republicans took the House in what was considered a remarkable historic victory. In fact, it wasnt until the last week of that election cycle that numbers even indicated a great red wave for the GOP and as most acknowledge, the TEA Party was instrumental in that outcome. I must point out, when institutions like CNN and NBC and other left-leaning organizations poll, they dont usually target conservative voting rolls for their numbers, so you might take the recent results with a pinch of salt. Except for one thing - the CNN poll in 2010 showed the same type of response, that is, intense anger. And Republicans won the House and just narrowly lost the Senate (largely due to some very poor candidates, but also because the races were in blue States). A lot of races this time around are happening in key red States, some with surprising developments, Georgia and Kansas races specifically. But one thing most average voters arent paying attention to nationwide is the Governor races and if Democrats are able to hold on to the Senate, it will be because of high voter turnout for the local efforts. For instance, both Alaska and Colorado have Democrat Governors and both are up for reelection. With all that explanation, I just want to share a bit of my heart with you. Ive been writing for a long time now for a political agency, researching, and commenting from a Conservative with a capital C perspective. That connotes that I am a Reagan Conservative. I broke my chains of liberalism on William Buckleys writings and commentary. So glad I came to my senses. Ive been researching a lot of articles over the past years for that occupation. So I see trends and notice fluctuations in politics. Even if the GOP takes the Senate? I dont think Congress will be able to contain Obama. There are already powerful rumors that he intends to issue blanket amnesty for at least 6 million illegal immigrants following this election day. You can see a huge disconnect between government agencies like the CDC, the WH, and the Pentagon regarding the Ebola quarantine issue. Our IRS is still totally out of control, seizing small business funds and still targeting Conservative groups and nothing is being done to suppress its overreach. It is my understanding from recent reports that not only has nothing been done to alleviate the veterans suffering and health needs, but the WH and hospital directors are still intimidating whistle-blowers and it is hinted that as many as 35,000 veterans have died without ever receiving health care. These types of misdeeds dont happen just because one Party is in power or the other party is more evil. These injustices happen because the climate in Washington is one of extreme disservice and corruption. I sincerely doubt if any representatives in Washington, DC see themselves as public servants. They extend privileges and perks to themselves that most Americans will never see for their families, all on the public nickels, dimes, and quarters. They exclude themselves from the law, granting themselves exemptions from it. It is no surprise that Congress isnt any more popular than Obama, in fact, favorability numbers are worse for the Legislative Branch than the Executive Branch. So Republicans may win the House and the Senate, but please do not count on things changing in Washington. Do not believe for a second that a Republican Congress will impeach Obama or balance the budget or do anything about the National Debt. I just dont believe that is going to happen. And maybe well be able to catch our breath, maybe Obama will truly be rendered ineffectual his last two years in office. But he is still at the helm. He is still the Commander-in-Chief. He could still do much more damage to our countrys welfare, economy, and security. But if WE THE PEOPLE dont start demanding servitude of ALL our elected officials? The same thing will happen. All over again. Different face. Same place. Same outcome.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 16:07:40 +0000

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