An open letter: Dear Brother Dave: Greetings in the Lord. This - TopicsExpress


An open letter: Dear Brother Dave: Greetings in the Lord. This testimony of Captain Ed Freeman and his heroism is quite touching and it is good for us focus on the real heroes for a change. Having just become a citizen of this great country, the United States of America, I thank the Lord for these men who fought so bravely. Some as Mr. Lincoln said: "gave their last full measure of devotion." I have never had that privilege, to fight for my country, but I have had the privilege of fighting for the "Christian Faith" yet have done so little compared to any of the men in the story above. All I can do is thank the Lord Jesus for those who fought and the freedoms they helped secure. That particular war is one of controversy to many but not to me. These men fought because their commanding officers, those of the United States Military, ordered them into battle. And that means they were brave soldiers fighting for The United States of America, no matter what. Many of them may feel they fought in vain, that their buddies died in vain, but this is not the case. My freedom and countless others was the result. Our opportunities to be good Americans and fight for what is right is the legacy they left us and the calling that awaits us, each one. I choose to live for, fight for, and suffer for, my Lord Jesus; by His strength, and for His glory. That is the reason I close this letter with the message that saved me from eternal death and judgment for my sins. The Bible plainly calls this message "the gospel of the grace of God" in Acts 20:24. We now live in a era the Bible calls the dispensation of grace, (Ephesians 3:2), and God (that is Jehovah), is not at war with anyone today. This is a dispensation of divine amnesty where God would have all men to be saved and come to the full knowledge of the truth, (1 Timothy 2:4). I am one of the benefactors of this message and I would love to help any one anywhere come to know the Lord Jesus as their savior. He is now the story of my life and He allowed me to live in and become a citizen of this great country as well as becoming a citizen of heaven. I believe that He, my commanding officer, has asked me to serve for the sake of all who are in need of eternal life, and a life in the mean time that matters, that counts for eternal values. That gospel simply says: "Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, was buried, and arose again the third day according to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:3, 4). The companion verse is in the book of Acts where is says: "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved" (Acts 16:31). Saved from what? Saved from being judged for my sins because the sinless Son of God died in my place...for me! You think about this truth, you ask your self "do I believe this? Do I believe He died for me? Am I willing to believe that this is true and trust Him alone as my risen savior? I said "yes" to those questions and it is my appeal that all that come under the sound of my voice will do the same. I am 63 years of age and probably will never have to physically fight for my country but I pray for those in our military who do fight and serve and labor for us. And I thank God for ever one of them...every one. Lord bless and take care, Your Brother in Christ, Don
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 03:38:10 +0000

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