An open letter: I AM COMING OUT OF THE CLOSET My sister steered - TopicsExpress


An open letter: I AM COMING OUT OF THE CLOSET My sister steered me to a website of a friend of hers, and one of the titles on the blog is Coming out of the closet. On that blog is a video, and it talks about how everyone has their closet. No ones closet or difficult situation is harder than anothers. We all feel, we all want to be accepted, we all want to be understood, yet opening up and speaking ones truth can be very frightening. The fear can keep you imprisoned and unable to be truly free. So, here is my truth. I am coming out of the closet. I can no longer call myself a Christian. I can no longer call myself a religious person. Does this mean I am post religious? I cannot use the word atheist, because I do believe in a higher power. I have often used the term to label myself as spiritual, but I hesitate even using that anymore because I dont need to be stuck with a label, or put in a box. Simply put, I am a person who believes in a Creative Source that is inside all of us, and it connects us all. We all come from this Source, and I believe this is also part of Natural Law. I can no longer subscribe to the teachings we learned as children, that there is a male God sitting up in the sky watching over us, judging us; that he is an angry, jealous God who would turn his back on us if we turn our back on him (yes, Ive seen the Facebook graphic about sharing a post that if you deny Jesus then his Father will deny us, and those who believe should share - quite frankly I have difficulty looking at that). I can no longer pray beseeching prayers asking forgiveness or begging for mercy or supplicating on things that invariably keep me focused on lack. My prayers, instead, are affirmations, they are knowing the truth about someone, whether it be healing, or abundance, or joy or peace. One song that I can no longer listen to is Amazing Grace. Why? Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I have never been or ever will be a wretch. I was born in perfection and will transition. I cannot believe that I am less than God. All through Sunday school, as long as I can remember, the underlying theme was needing forgiveness, and following rules based on fear. I no longer believe that there is a hell that sinners go to when they are not saved. In fact, the word hell is not in the Bible, ANYWHERE. The translation does not talk about the hellfire and brimstone hell that the unsaved are threatened with. There is no physical place called hell. Hell is here on earth, and it is simply the consequences we face when we make choices or think thoughts that go against our own Divinity. Hell is anxiety, depression, fear, karma, natural law, and it is not meant for punishment, it is a feeling, a tool that helps us to turn inside and grow. I no longer believe there is a devil. I cannot even BEGIN to imagine a God who created men, gave men free choice, and banished them to hell for using their free choice and not accepting salvation. We dont need to be saved. We ARE safe. The God I know (it seems strange calling It God, when the Source of all has no gender) lets rephrase that. The Source I know and am connected with has little to do with the literal translations and teachings of the Bible. The Bible is mostly metaphoric in nature, and most stories were told decades, even centuries after the fact and written by scribes who werent even THERE! Unless one is fluent in Hebrew, how can one even then get an exact translation? The Jesus I know of today is not the same Jesus I was taught about as a child. He was an enlightened one. He is an ascended master. The fundamental Christianity of today has very little to do with his real teachings, which were love, acceptance, inclusion, tolerance, and living ones truth - living as the gods and goddesses and creators that we all are. Religion today, as far as Im concerned, is all about control, bigotry, intolerance, and judgment. Thats not what I stand for. I am very spiritual. In fact, Ive never been so spiritual as the moment when I said, I am no longer a Christian. Does that mean I am a heretic? A heathen? labels are needed. I have never been so connected to the spiritual world as I am now. And that means I realize my Divinity and my perfection. I am God living a human life, and It is loving this experience through me. Its feeling fear, and pain and despair, and its feeling joy and bliss and seeing the world as only I can see it, and Its in HEAVEN because of me! Yes, I am not afraid to say it, I am god/goddess. I am Source. I am perfection. I am connected to the spirit world. I am an empath. I am a reiki healer. I am an intuitive. I can sometimes sense what people are thinking or feeling. I can often feel others ailments or pains as if they were my own, even those who are thousands of miles away. Spirit beings talk to me and communicate to and through me. I sometimes have visitors come to me and bring me messages. I often hear voices of others, sometimes one, sometimes many. I hear their conversations. Once in a while they will come inside me. In my own way I am a channel. This is the Divine talking to me, as me, and through me. My psychic abilities grow stronger every day, and so do I. No, I no longer consider myself a Christian. I am Divine. I am Spiritual. I am God. I AM, THAT I AM. I know that love heals all. I know that no person is better than or more important than another. I know that we are all on this planet together, and our main objective is to be blissful and evolve, to experience orgasmic joy. I know that race, origin, and color do not matter. I know that borders suck. We are all on this planet together. I know that every single one of us has the power to heal, if we only connected to that Source inside us that is just aching to be realized. I know that literal biblical fundamentalism is an insult to my soul and I can no longer subscribe to judging others and obeying Him ...or else. I know that I am my own Savior, and so are you. Once I took that Christian label away and walked away from the fundamentalist literal teachings, I felt free, light, and I felt more God-like than I had before. God/Source/Universe isnt about fear. It isnt about threats or ostracizing people. It is free from judgment. Metaphysical studies now hold my attention. I no longer attend a Baptist church, instead, I join the live streaming services at Agape International Spiritual Center, and I SWIM in love and truth free from judgment and strict religious dogma. I bask in the knowledge that I am free and always have been, and me being me is perfection in itself. My course has shifted. I am now on a path of remembrance, a remembrance of who I really am and always have been. A path to erase all that insults my soul and to bring forth new tools on this journey to remembering my enlightenment. I remind myself daily that I AM all that I need, and Im still practicing that. I have much gratitude and overwhelming love toward spiritual teachers: Michael Bernard Beckwith, Bishop Carlton Pearson, Deepak Chopra, and many others who have helped me stay in that space of remembrance.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 04:03:17 +0000

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