An open letter to Americas president (part two)... Mr. Obama, - TopicsExpress


An open letter to Americas president (part two)... Mr. Obama, for 12 years America has been engaged in a military mission in Afghanistan. Over time a part of that mission has shifted to the building of roads and schools and to the training of the Afghan military and local police. It all sounds good... if you are looking to justify an endless war with some good news. After all who can argue the good in rooting out Osama bin Laden and the like while teaching the good people of Afghanistan to educate their little girls and at the same time building the Afghan infrastructure so they can grow their social and economic fabric. The thing is... War is not supposed to be Good... War is supposed to be Hell. So it doesnt become Endless. Your proposed limited and narrow attack on Syria was at best another attempt by You to make WAR... a nice idea on paper... and at worst, the strategic equivalent of a State sponsored Terrorist Attack that ALWAYS deserves a response... in one form or another. When it comes to war, the idea that You will have the last word... is endlessly Arrogant and Naive. For the good of your nation... Mr. Obama please resign. -We The People of These United States of America https://facebook/MrPresidentPleaseResign
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 12:30:08 +0000

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